Sunday, December 15, 2013

Misinformation being disseminated by Obama administration on Immigration

Jan C. Ting, a Delaware resident, is a professor of law at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law and wrote an article for Delaware OnLine wherein he states that the Obama administration and Joe Biden in particular, are guilty of misinformation when they use the dishonest example that "their ancestors came to the United States and they were illegal."

Read his article, Why does Biden claim his ancestors are illegal immigrants.

The next time one of those open border people give you this line, remind them of the policy and laws at the time...tell them to remember history. You can not compare the first century with today and all our present laws on immigration. Open borders and/or amnesty is not sustainable for America.

60% of those polled believe that our government is not aggressive enough on illegal immigrant deportations.  Read about it here.

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