Thursday, December 26, 2013

Know Thy Enemy

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Obama threatened Egypt and warned them if they didn't hand over power to the Muslim Brotherhood they would lose billions in United States aid. Not only that, Obama tried to save Morsi when most of Egypt wanted him out of there. The people marched against Morsi.

You would have thought that Obama would have taken notice.  He never did. He stopped military aid for throwing the Brotherhood out of power and hurt the Egyptian people.  Obama stood with the enemy of freedom.

He never learned in Syria either when he gave an additional $300 million in aid but he said it was not to help the rebels some of whom were the Muslim Brotherhood.

Today, Egypt's leaders have declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group and said, "It only knows violence as a tool."

We are no longer trusted in the world. We have no clue who the enemy is.  Our own people are hurting. Obama is retiring our top generals and making our military weaker throughout the world.

Read about it.


  1. Didn't the Egyptian people elect Morsi?
    Wasn't he the first democratically elected head of state in Egyptian history?

    Apparently the Egyptian people realized their mistake after less than a year.

  2. Yup, sort of like Obama but it took a few years longer.
    Democracy is new there and it will be a struggle to know who the good and bad guys are I suppose. Right now, they are trying to nationalize private companies. It's a mess and certainly doesn't sound democratic.
    He is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood and became a dictator immediately by granting himself unlimited powers on the pretext that he would "protect" the nation from the Mubarak-era power structure, which he called "remnants of the old regime."

  3. Obama didn't elect Morsi!
    It didn't matter who was president when Morsi was elected. The United States had to recognize the democratically elected head of state in Egypt.

  4. That's fine but once they are known to be corrupt, all bets should be off the table. I guess we should have still supported Chavez when he was alive?

  5. See Obama Christmas card respecting Islam:
    No Christ or Christmas mentioned:
    Picture: a dog at a
    Fire place(to celebrate his killing 4 white American in benghazi with NSA proven STAND DOWN order.!

  6. Egyptians aren't the only people who elect bad leaders and then force them out. The American people elected Richard Nixon who quit before he was forced out.

  7. You're right. I guess his ego wasn't as bad as our present commander and chief's.
