Thursday, December 26, 2013

19 States to raise Minimum Wage

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According to the Employment Policies Institute, the following is a list of states and counties that will be implementing a minimum wage increase next week . Those in favor say that by raising the minimum wage, it will generate economic growth.  Those opposing it say that small businesses will suffer and people will have a harder time finding jobs.
  • Arizona: $7.80 to $7.90
  • Colorado: $7.78 to $8.00
  • Connecticut: $8.25 to $8.70
  • Florida: $7.79 to $7.93
  • Missouri: $7.35 to $7.50
  • Montana: $7.80 to $7.90
  • New Jersey: $7.25 to $8.25
  • New York: $7.25 to $8.00
  • Ohio: $7.85 to $7.95
  • Oregon: $8.95 to $9.10
  • Rhode Island: $7.75 to $8.00
  • Vermont: $8.60 to $8.73
  • Washington State: $9.19 to $9.32
  • Albuquerque, N.M.: $8.50 to $8.60
  • Bernalillo County, N.M.: $8.00 to $8.50
  • San Francisco, Calif.: $10.55 to $10.74
  • San Jose, Calif.: $10.00 to $10.15
  • SeaTac, Wash.: $9.19 to $15.00
Source: Opposing Views

It looks like SeaTac is the city in which to live especially if you work at the airport. Transportation and hospitality workers there who total around 6,000, will have their minimum wage raised by 63%. Those who put fuel in jets are now fueling the fire for higher minimum wages for all unskilled workers that could catch on in cities across America.

SeaTac is home to over 900 licensed businesses, nearly 80 of which are "Fortune 1000" companies. These entities employ nearly 40,000 employees in the City of SeaTac and generate total local sales of approximately $3.7 billion. Wikipedia.  With the minimum wage rising by that much, even though it would pertain only to a particular set of workers, you can well imagine how this will affect prices and the push for all workers across the board in all industries to have an increase that is comparable. The unions will make sure of it. This will set the tone for a national conversation on hiking the minimum wage in every is the can of worms.

With a population of 27,000 in 10 square miles and 2,682 people per square mile in SeaTac, the average family income is right at $50,000 a year. This city has similar demographics to Lake Worth and many illegal aliens; they just have higher incomes. An illegal alien just needs a Mexican or Guatemalan ID and a garbage bill to obtain a driver’s license in Washington State. So, SeaTac is raising the minimum wage, thanks to the big push by the Unions that will scarf all these people into their fold, to raise the standards of living for the illegal alien and unskilled worker.

A great article written by Daniel Martin Gray of the Washington Times says, "Eleven million admitted illegal aliens is almost 4 percent of total American population. How many millions of new citizens voting big government benefits for themselves would it take to entirely overwhelm the rest of us? Where is the demographic tipping point that makes America a one-party, tin-pot, third-world despotism? Concentrated in cities with corrupt voting practices, would anyone but progressives ever win office again?"

This has all been a sneak attack that has escalated in recent years thanks to socialists, liberal Democrats and Obama. Isn't America a great country--land of the free?


  1. I thought all illegals collected welfare and food stamps. What would a raise of minimum wage matter to people who don't work and only exploit our social services.

  2. Thank you for translating, I'll bet she's yelling in spanish. Where in Lake Worth did you take the picture?

  3. Lynn since you earned minimum wage most of your working days you should be sympathetic towards minimum wage workers. All you are doing is parroting fux news talking points again.

  4. LOL, anonymous above at 11:19. That comment just shows that you have been listening to MSNBC too long and all those short on brains of any kind if you think you can give a personal attack here, one that is a figment of your not too intelligent imagination. That's what liberals do--invent stuff.

    What I would like to see are people pulling themselves up and working hard and not expecting the government to give them hand-outs...getting an education...stop sneaking over our borders and getting free this and that while the rest of our citizens have to work for a living. I would like to see Obama have a responsible budget, not growing debt.

    The only minimum wage job I had was during college and I never once complained. Now laborers and WalMart cashiers and fast-food restaurant workers want double the minimum wage. Phooey on that and all their demands. The free market system should dictate wages, not socialists and unions.
