Monday, December 30, 2013

Is it really Blasphemy?

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Photo by Bill Norris
Trayvon Martin taking the place of Baby Jesus with blood
dripping from his chest

The Claremont United Methodist Church, in Claremont, California, allowed this nativity scene to be erected on church property depicting Trayvon Martin. Is it freedom of expression or blasphemy or should we just chalk it up to "It's just kooky California."

Its creator of this "nativity" scene interjected politics into the celebration of the birth of Jesus by erecting this as well as a plaque placed in front of the Nativity scene that said “A child is born, a Son is given." He said that there is no better time to reflect on gun violence then advent, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Jesus was born into a state of total vulnerability as an innocent, unarmed child during a time of great violence much like Trayvon Martin.


  1. It's a black congregation what do you expect? look it up.

  2. I'm surprised that the Methodist Elders would allow this. Maybe it's time that Methodists nationwide look more carefully at their "church". This church should IMMEDIATELY lose it's tax exempt status.
