Monday, December 30, 2013

Break-In Reported

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It has been reported to this blog that there has just been a break-in at 112 N. L Street.  Supposedly the PBSO is looking for what has been described as a homeless man, (how do they know he's homeless?) white, with a Mohawk hair cut and tattooed.

If this report is true, this is owned by the Lufty's who own the closed Cottage restaurant.

*It was checked out and it is the residence of Commissioner Amoroso. The PBSO caught the guy who stole something from his yard, not the interior of the dwelling. Commissioner Amoroso has filed a formal complaint against the thief.


  1. At least they caught the guy. It is sort of ironic though, a commissioner who never admits there is any crime in our city by the sea.

  2. Not directed towards the poster above as this was an acceptable comment:

    You can comment here but no personal attacks towards others who comment. What I think is ironic is every time there is anything said that some people don't like, they have to call you a liar and worse. Just make your statement and move on. Now if you really want to cyber attack, use your real name--make sure that I know you though. Thanks.

  3. That's too bad. Someone didn't like his paint job on those planters.

  4. I'm glad the guy was caught. Is anybody else sick of the homeless blighting Lake Worth? I am. I don't feel one bit of pity for them. I feel sorry for myself and all the residents and merchants who are victimized by these parasites. I'm sick of the attitude of PBSO-WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING !BULL CRAP! Unless our Commissioners start playing hardball and embarrassing Ric Bradshaw into doing something, the situation will only get worse. Ordinances don't matter if the PBSO is too lazy to enforce them. And the lofty ideas of our city manager about an arts destination won't matter if all of the customers have been scared off by the homeless robbers ,crooks and pan handlers!

  5. I do feel sorry for the homeless, most of these guys have serious mental health issues and it is sad that there is little to no treatment for them. But, I still don't appreciate the outdoor feedings, the church feedings in my neighborhood that draw the homeless to parrot cove. These guys bang on doors, scare residents and cause trouble.

    This is not a personal attach on Andy, I hope that the fact that he has now been a victim of crime, like many of us, that he will ask PBSO why the heck they are not patrolling the City of LW. We send half of our budget to PBSO and we seem to be getting little to nothing in return. As a commissioner he should be asking these questions.
