Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wrecked vehicle left on Lake Worth public street

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Just one more thing to blight the neighborhood

Not only is it blighted property we have to deal with here in lake Worth that breeds crime, but junked cars parked on our city streets. We seem to be a dumping ground for just about everything.

Abandoned property, public, means all tangible personal property which does not have an identifiable owner and which has been disposed on public property in a wrecked, inoperative, or partially dismantled condition or which has no apparent intrinsic value to the rightful owner.  It's subjective. This car does have a tag.

Abandoned/inoperable vehicle is any vehicle which is located on public property, or private property and not within an enclosed building, and which has any of its wheels or tires dismantled or deflated, is missing any part or valid registration required by law for travel on public streets, or is in such condition as to render it incapable of normal operation under its own power, including being supported above existing grade level by such means as concrete blocks, jacks, hoists, or similar devices. Included in this definition is any wrecked, inoperative or partially dismantled motor vehicle.

The story is that the owner abandoned the vehicle and walked away some three weeks ago and the car has been in the exact same position ever since. 

Why doesn't the PBSO or someone in charge at city hall call Motor Vehicles, find out who the owner is, if this Toyota is registered to him and ask him about this car. 


  1. You last question would require a few minutes of someone actually doing something productive.

  2. I thought it odd the day I saw a tow truck dropping that car off there that day and a lady directing them to put it there. The building in front of the car is also tagged with a red code enforcement tag, but I agree, the PBSO should not allow that damaged car to be allowed on the street in that condition. The blight and oddness of people doing stuff like this all is beyond my comprehension.
