Saturday, November 16, 2013

15 North O Street

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The owner of this property that borders N O Street and Lucerne Avenue wanted a new roof approved-- replacing the existing flat concrete tile roof on pitched roof areas with a new dimensional asphalt shingle roof and replace existing flat roof areas like for like with a new bituminous flat roof system. They also wanted a 6 foot wooden fence painted white around the property to keep off the vagrants and those walking across the property. Commissioner Herman Robinson had concerns about the fence height and rightfully so. The Historic Board was told that fencing is not in their purview but this is what our code says on fencing:

Regarding the Fence-- Residential uses. A. Height limitations.
(1)On the front property line and on that portion of the side property line from the front property line to the front building setback line, a fence or wall shall have a maximum height of four (4) feet from the natural grade of the lot.  (I was at the meeting years back when this was discussed.  The reasoning for a 4 foot fence was for safety concerns and possible criminals hiding behind fences.)
(2)On the rear property line and on that portion of the side property line from the rear property line to the front building setback line, a fence or wall shall have a maximum height of eight (8) feet from the natural grade of the lot.
(3)Along side and rear property lines adjacent to roadways (except alleys) a fence shall have a maximum height of six feet and must be set back a minimum of thirty (30) inches from the property line providing a landscape screen (see definitions). Walls along side and rear property lines adjacent to roadways (except alleys) shall have a maximum height of six feet and must be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the property line providing a landscape screen. (See definitions.)

Regarding the Roof--
Commissioner Herman Robinson was concerned that the Historic Preservation board is not considering properties on a case by case basis and this property borders on a major street in our city. Wes Blackman wanted to approve the owner's request. A motion was moved to approve and failed for lack of a second. The owner asked for a dimensional asphalt shingle roof that was replacing a white concrete tile roof according to the Board. The owner said it was the original roof from 1950 and was not concrete tile but had many layers of foam. The board requested that the owners come back and show them a visual on the roof material as well as a close up of present roof, historic information on the build-up on the roof and a sample of exactly what the replacement material will be.  A motion was made and all agreed to address the item at their December meeting.


  1. This is nuts! This property looks WAY better than it used to. Why can't the new owner have a WOODEN fence to enjoy his corner property? You are going to scare this guy out of town...just like others I've seen who have been challenged over garages and stupid stuff......all the while the losers rule the town. The good ones leave!!!!!!!!! Herman you ,,,but.

  2. hermans wife who works for the housing authority was under investigation--does anyone know what happened

  3. Did you read what our code says on heights? Why do you think it is alright for people do to whatever they damn please?

  4. It had something to do with HUD, Section 8 and renters fraud. Haven't heard a thing about it since it hit the news last year.

  5. Really...? Who the heck cares about someone's roof and fence.

  6. Our laws say that you must care. Thank God for laws.

  7. I've reported that wrecked car to PBSO and to the City and still it sits right off the main drag.
