Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Romney beats Obama!

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Read the analysis on the election prediction if it were held now.

Personally, I don't understand why Romney is not beating his butt.


  1. This is all a mute point.

    We need to focus on all the good Obama has done too, he has done a lot of good for a lot of people in this country too, we need to be thankful for that and count our blessings as Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Thank you Pres. Obama and may God bless you always!

  2. I wish I could focus on just ONE good thing, anonymous.
    raising taxes on wealthy,
    more socialism,
    civil liberties eroded,
    War in Libya without Congress' approval,
    $60 billion arms sale to Saudia Arabia without knowledge of Congress,
    Can't figure out who the bad guys are in the Middle East and won't stand up to Iran and stand up for our friends, Israel.
    Has expanded government and citizens' dependency--they love the free lunch.
    The Lies.
    The list goes on and on.

    here's a link--

  3. I forgot one--
    His dismantling of our military and firing many top generals. We are no longer revered on the Globe as a threat to evil.

  4. Good, we shouldn't be a threat to anyone, it is all about peace, love, and embracing all and allowing for equal rights for all. Not all blacks were allowed to vote until the 60's, many could not date or marry whites, the discrimination was so bad and still is. Gays now can marry in many states and the US government allows gays to get all equal rights for bi-national couples for immigration purposes, Obama helped and support equal rights, he supports love, he is not for war.

    Visit the new exhibition at the FAU Jupiter Campus by the Student Group Spectrum, they have put on a big display of all gays who have been murdered recently through the US due to being gay, the have the outline of a body in chalk on the ground with a memorial of that person, they have them all over, it is so touching.

    Obama has also made many strides, and we can not discredit those either.

  5. In an ideal world, I would agree with you that it should be all about peace and love. However, there are evil people ready to destroy us because of democracy and our civil rights that are granted to everyone in this country through structured laws. Remember 911. That could be a starter to prove that because of our open arms, we are vulnerable to all the evil around us. We need the strongest military to contain this. Our survival is through our military strength. If we are perceived a weak, this country will eventually fall. If we get under sharia Law, and that is their aim, you, as a gay person, will be in big trouble. It will be all over for you.

  6. This website and article will give you more appreciation for who Obama is as a person. It is very impressive:


    He is a kind and loving man, a good human being who cares and has made a huge difference in the lives of many people in this country, he will go down in history as being one of the best presidents like Lincoln.
