Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lake Worth Beach Art Fest

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Replacement photo. Now go after this one--have a ball.

ART, ART, ART coming to our Lake Worth beach

Lake Worth now has a first class beach and casino that will play host to art, art and more art.

WHAT: Lake Worth Beach ArtFest

WHEN: November 23 - 24, Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

WHERE: 10 South Ocean Boulevard - Lake Worth Beach Complex Navigational Address

WHY: To Support the Arts and the Lake Worth Beach community

ADMISSION: Free and open to the public


  1. See the "watermark" on the picture you used? That means it's copyrighted and using it, as you did, is stealing.

    Did you pay the photographer to use it?

  2. Actually I did not see a watermark.

  3. Now that I've looked at it closer, I do see it. Thanks for pointing it out.

  4. It must be tough to be a professional photographer like James Stafford, struggling to make a living the best you can. You are not using the pic for commercial purposes are you?


    if you link back to the source and list the photographer's name

    if the picture is not full-sized(only thumbnail size is okay)

    if you did it innocently if your site is non-commercial and you made no money from the use of the photo

    if you didn't claim the photo was yours

    if you've added commentary in addition to having the pic in the post

    if the picture is embedded and not saved on your server

    if you have a disclaimer on your site.

    if you immediately take down a pic

    if someone sends you a DMCA notice (you do have to take it down, but it doesn't absolve you.)

    NONE OF THAT releases you from liability. You are violating copyright if you have not gotten express PERMISSION from the copyright holder OR are using pics that are public domain, creative commons, etc. (more on that below.)

    Lynn is always posting about how important it is to obey the law. She should practice what she preaches.

    And no I am not Jim Stafford!

  6. Every photo ever taken in the history of photography belongs to someone. Not everyone is so proprietary. I give credit when I can to all outside photographers. I certainly don't track them down to do so. This is a non-profit blog and we do the best we can. If any photographer asks me to take down a photo belonging to them (there has only been one in 5 years), I have.

  7. DMCA notice? What in the hell is that? People should be writing to Lynn claiming ownership so that she can use their name on her blog and they can get free publicity. Then how does she prove that they are the owner?

  8. Ok--new photo up. I like this one better anyway. This was also taken by someone other than myself, photographer unknown. go track down the photographer. Be my guest.

  9. I like this one better too, it's arty. thanks for putting up a notice on it.

  10. I hope this art show is a success, what a great venue at the beach. Lake Worth is such a great place, so much, art, so much peace, and love, a very caring and loving artsy community and even accepting of gays. Gays love art and produce a lot of it here.

    Another new exhibition, which is a must see, a real awakening is at the FAU Jupiter Campus by the Student Group Spectrum, all throughout the campus they have put on a big display of all gays who have been murdered recently through the US due to being gay, the have the outline of a body in chalk on the ground with a memorial of that person, they have them all over, it is so touching.

  11. I can see it now. Pros in LW searching the internet for the photographer who has taken any photo on your blog. Did you get Ann-maria Windisch's permission to use the photo of you that she took?

  12. This sounds like a great event, I hope that I get over there to enjoy it.
