Saturday, November 30, 2013

Lake Worth Subway Restaurant robbed

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Subway at 210 South Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, just robbed and the criminal was not looking for a roast beef sandwich.  Sheriff is now at the scene as well as helicopter.


  1. even robbed the patrons

  2. We can always count on the PBSO to arrive after the fact.

  3. Crime stats are high but this one was not even reported in the television media.

  4. I heard today that channel 5 had the story but no detail.

  5. To the brilliant anonymous poster Nov. 20, 7:32pm Yes I must agree how dare our law enforcement not be performing to the levels that Tom Cruise and his fellow officers did in the movie "Minority Report" where they were able to detect the thoughts of the criminals before they committed violations and would be there before the crime to prevent it. What kind of world are we living in. You think you can do a better job? Go into the field of law enforcement and put your life at risk daily to protect the safety and property of others without knowing if you will make it home safe and sound daily. I am sure if you have a suggestion on how to be at locations before the crime happens they will gladly take your advice that would just make their job a whole lot easier, until then, GET A HOBBY! There seem to be a lot of anonymous cowards ranting away that don't posses enough strength or courage of character to own up to their own opinions.

    Good tidings,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  6. As the PBSO as well as the general public knows, we are right near the top of crime in PB County just like we are right near the top for having the most poverty. Triple patrols right now would help especially at this time of year when more crime is being committed. More cops on the street...more visibility. The criminals are taking over.

  7. Tie the Cops paychecks to the amount of crime in their districts.

  8. I was the employee working at that location. robber came in pointed a gun in my face, meanwhile my manager fled out the back door. He returned five minutes after the police arrived. Im not sure what to do now. not sure if suspect was caughr. my manger has only contactes me to see if im coming back to work. no one was hurt or robbed thank goodness, but needless to say im a lil emotionally messed up right now.

  9. NO one was hurt THIS time. To have a gun pointed at you would be very traumatic...not sure that I would get over it either. Sorry this happened to you.

    1. Its very hard to get over. i havent had an officer or my manager or my store owner even call once to see if i was ok. my manager texted me the next day asking me if i was gonna work or not. i never replied. not sure if there is anything i can do. I needed that job but im too scared to go back. i have support from my friends and family..but nothing else.

  10. We should be complaining about PBSO, more than half our budget goes to them and they are not delivering. They made a great show the first couple of years, lots of patrols, lots of street on the feet, affirmative policing (i.e. undercover and the like). Now, I never, ever see them except once in a while downtown hanging out. They are slow to respond to non-e/r calls, they don't address nuisance issues like abandoned and crashed cars, parking violations, blocked roads, noise, drinking in public, homeless, etc. And yes they do always show up after the fact b/c they are not in close proximity and b/c they have too few officers patrolling.

    I used to go to that Subway regularly, but over time I felt less and less safe so I stopped going (trust your instincts). This is a business located on a busy main street in our city and this robbery took place in broad daylight, really says something about crime in our city. Now I go to the downtown Publix or I go to the newer Subway up in the South End of West Palm Beach on Dixie. It is a real shame that this local business has lost business b/c of crime in the area.

  11. Let them know how scared you are and ask them if Subway could bring in a counselor or some professional to help you get over this. I have a cousin who works for a bank and she had a gun pointed at her years ago. It took time. Having your friends and family to give you support is the best thing for you. Hope you can work it out. Ask the PBSO if they will be giving extra attention to that location. Remember, jobs are hard to find right now and the odds of an incident of this type happening again are few. I hope this helps. Peace, my friend. Let me know how you're doing.
