Friday, November 29, 2013

Government abuse of Power

The IRS is attempting to change the rules towards conservative groups (T-Party) and trying to silence speech--again. They have dragged out applications for conservative 501 (c)(4's) and now want to change the rules so that the groups can't get their status--AFTER the fact because of this new rule change that they want to implement. 

Sounds like what this commission did to the heights amendment in Lake Worth.  It passed at the polls. Results were delayed for three months to see if Rick Scott would sign HB 537 as they twisted the meaning of the bill to suit their agenda. He signed it. Commission declared the election void.  Abuse of power.

Those who abused the people by abusing their power are Scott Maxwell, Pam Triolo, Andy Amoroso, all up for re-election.  John Szerdi is also among this group--he never even "understood the ballot language." Remember this when you go to the polls.

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