Friday, November 29, 2013

A Homeless Thanksgiving

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As we celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, I am sure there were many of us who thought of someone less fortunate and we counted our blessings.  Some of us who do have employment in this economy live paycheck to paycheck. Others are a paycheck away from being homeless themselves paying ungodly amounts on rentals, food and the necessities. There are homeless who live in our midst. We see them in John Prince Park, Bryant Park and in our downtown...some just yards away from our own homes, who don’t have a place with a roof over their heads or a place to sleep tonight or any night. These are the homeless and they live in Lake Worth.

Stats on homeless
Read about church group ordered to STOP feeding the Homeless


  1. I don't see any politician doing anything for these poor people but on top of that, I don't want them in our town. It's a disgrace in America. What can be done?

  2. I agree that it is a disgrace to have people living in such despair in the wealthiest country on Earth. If you read the stats in the link provided, it is a shocking number of people. Those numbers hanging out here in Lake Worth seem to be growing and petty crime is up.

  3. 8:38, maybe you could do something instead of broadcasting not in my back yard. Everyone should be held accountable except you.

  4. Max Steward Park Ranger Supervisor

  5. My church also fed the homeless - at a HOMELESS SHELTER ! If this church wants to feed the homeless, let them do it on their own property, in their own city. NOT MINE. The homeless wandering around in John Prince Park are homeless BY CHOICE. Palm Beach county takes plenty of all our tax dollars to operate area shelters for these bums. BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO CLEAN UP AND GO TO THESE FACILITIES . Give thanks to these misguided idiots every time one of our neighborhood homes gets robbed. I am sick to death of seeing bums every time I turn around in this city. How in the world are we going to get families to move here if there is a Pan Handler on every street corner ? Just today I had to call the police on a bum who came into the shop asking for money and harassing the people walking on the street. The best way to turn Lake Worth into a ghost town ? Just keep encouraging the poor, poor homeless people to multiply in Lake Worth. Forget about any grand plans for hotel districts and artist colonies. There won't be any customers around. Katie Mcgiveron

    1. Go to the park on M street every night and park your car with your Highbeams on them. When they relocate to the other side of the park move your car and showing the highbeams on them. There are groups of us doing this now every night. We beg for your help if you truly want to fix this.

  6. a whole bunch of homeless were dropped off at Bryant Park this morning. they are being fed by a church and using the bandshell.
