Thursday, October 17, 2013

The PBSO is not the only game in town

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A new state ruling gives cities more options for police protection. The ruling opens the door for any city in the state to contract with a neighboring city or town for police services, similar to how fire-rescue departments throughout Broward operate, according to the opinion issued by the state Attorney General's office.

It also means that taxpayers could pay less for law enforcement now that there's more competition and more options for public safety.

Read more..." at the SunSentinel.

It wasn't that long ago when we had our very own police department and because of county taxes, still got all the services of the Sheriff's department, i.e, helicopter, etc. We are paying nearly $15 million in policing and public safety overall takes 80 percent of our operating budget. The Vice Mayor believes that crime is going down in Lake Worth...he gets reports from the PBSO confirming this. Ask a deputy. If they want to be candid, they will tell you Lake Worth is ridden with crime and it's not slowing down.


  1. Buy Lynn, don't you remember this is what the people of the city want.

  2. What I remember is a 3 to 2 vote by the commission to give away all of our public safety assets, car radios from Motorola that we had just paid a fortune for, policemen were going to be paid higher, appeasing the union and that there was NO vote by the people to dismantle our own police department. We had great retirement benefits (better than anything going) and as a condition of those benefits, salaries were a little lower. They wanted the whole enchilada. Outsourcing cost us a bundle. It was the exact same side of politics that is now back in power.
