Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bryant Park on a pathway to slum and blight?

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Not only are people being beaten to a pulp and allegedly die there, the homeless in Bryant Park continue to trash it. It was reported that 20 homeless were recently arrested for open containers at our park and several others who continually hang out were arrested for lewd acts. A few concerned citizens cleaned up the blighted mess discarded at our beautiful park. We need to take back our city.


  1. I guess Mike Bornstein puts you in the category of people making trouble. haha.

  2. Yes that is were the home less camp was again the city new about it back in 2012:I told the city manger and the guy thats in charge of that area I do not know what that area is called ..he too me his neighbor hood association was going to clean it up an fix the grills at the park never did

  3. When the church on palm way stopped letting people sleep on its property (which was causing major problems in the Parrot Cove neighborhood) this is where the homeless went. They are still homeless feedings by the churches and that keeps them in the neighborhoods and our parks. There was just a shooting of a homeless person at St. Ann's Place in WPB, they have the same problem.

    While I agree with the mission of the churches, without shelters for the homeless, the feedings encourage the homeless to stay in our neighborhoods and parks.

  4. "Stop kicking me, you pesky rodents!"

  5. If you are a resident of Bryant Park, try to come to the meeting on Monday the 21st at 7:00 in the 'Glass House' on the north side of 1st Ave South between Golfview and Lakeside. You can be a part of the solution to take back our city.

  6. PBSO has been ignoring this problem and other nuisance problems for ages. If you call about stuff like this, they do nothing and don't show up. I call the non-e/r line every time and I would say that 80% they don't show. I was at the Wells Fargo on corner of Federal and Lake and a homeless guy was pantless or changing his pants and I called and the operator was not helpful and PBSO didn't show up.

    PBSO also ignores prostitution, open container and parking violation calls.

  7. I disagree. Example is this morning. I called about prostitution on Dixie and asked to meet with the deputies. While the hooker was gone by the time they got here, they did show up and take information and said they keep watch all day for the individuals I reported.

    Next time give your name and ask to speak with them. It might make the difference.

  8. When I visit friends in Palm Beach I do not see the homeless pan handling on every street corner. When I go to Star Bucks on the Avenue, I do not see the homeless lounging, sleeping in the Via's. Palm beach can do it. Why can't we? Katie Mcgiveron

  9. 12.46, I don't get the same response. Prostitute servicing John in his car in the alley, call, no response. They were there for a while, PBSO never showed up.

  10. Look at our budget, a huge chunk of our budget, the majority of it goes to police and fire. While I don't like all the potholes, and they have proliferated and multiplied under this admin, I can least understand that there is no money to fill the potholes.

    But when we are, literally, spending all our money on police why do they not patrol, why are they not focusing on nuisance crimes, why are they not working on gang issues and drug dealing out of abandoned homes. We are spending all of our money on police and we are not getting what we paid for. That first year when PBSO took over was great, patrols all the time, engaging with problems, addressing those problems, being proactive, then they disappeared.

  11. 1:03PM..."Palm beach can do it. Why can't we?"
    Get real, it's ludicrous to compare Lake Worth to Palm Beach. We compare to Riviera Beach or Belle Glade.

  12. With your mindset @ 2:23 above, no wonder we are in the shape we are in. Do you too live in a tent at Bryant Park?
    No one is comparing one of the most wealthy cities in the country to LW. The comparison was to point out that PB can keep the dregs out, why can't we? But you knew that. You just wanted to be a witch for the day to keep up your yearly daily record here.

  13. Lynn you insult someone who makes a valid point. Your own answer says "no one is comparing" and then in the next sentence "the comparison was".
    My point is, why insult anyone.

  14. No, you got it all turned around. Their comment was an insult. The comparison was not the wealth of the two cities. Don't get it, huh?

  15. if you are going to quote someone anony at 4:27, don't take the quote out of context. Do you write a facebook page or something. Do you think everyone who posts here is stupid? Is that it? You want to stop this in our town, you make an ordinance and enforce the damn thing. This is not a quality of life we want in our town. Maybe you do, but no one else does. If other cities can keep these people out and keep them from trashing their town then so can we. It is a matter of will.

  16. i live in in LW. I'm welcomed to your city each morning by a pan handler at the 10th ave N exit from 95. I turn left and at the next light another pan handler. This almost never happens in boca...if it does...its short lived. Ive seen the boca PD escort/drive "transient" people to the city limit lines and say without saying....Not in my city you dont. We have parks and little hideaways where the homeless can seek shelter...BUT the police do their jobs and try to control the problem. we have our own PD not PBSO. maybe thats why?

  17. I think there are serious problems with the PBSO -- including dereliction of duty and maybe worse. They are not patrolling our streets. They are not out there. Not on Friday nights with tons of drunks and ex-cons and kids downtown, not in our parks -- except when they make a big show of zooming through in two's on those nice four-wheelers. They don't know us. They don't know this city. Let's face it. They're not working for us.

  18. I was all for PBSO and the first couple of years, they really did a great job. I was so impressed with the number of cops I saw on a daily basis.

    The last couple of years, I feel like they disappeared, they are not patrolling at all.
