Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Obamacare created jobs for foreign corporation, not American workers

Patriot85 says:

"In these days of recession, one would think this federal boondoggle would have been awarded to an American company. NOPE. Instead of wasting 600 million of our dollars here, the project was awarded to a Canadian company, CGI Group, with a reputation for maximizing profits and reducing expenses. Hmmm, what's the easiest way to do that? Farm out major portions to programmers from India. I have no problem with Canada or India, they all need jobs too.

My problem comes from the fact that the decision to give this project to a foreign company was made in the good ole U.S.A., by people who are supposed to be looking out for America. If you take it one step further and ask, what benefits are gained through the use of a foreign company in this situation? The best answer is: They're not subject to American Law! Now we the people have no legal way to discover the parameters, instruction, and scope with which the Canadian company was asked to operate.

I am SO SICK of seeing every opportunity to fleece the public and hide the truth being used by our elected officials"

Just another bad decision by President Obama..

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