Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bobcat Sighting at Bryant Park?

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M. Hill photo
Young Bobcat as seen at Bryant Park?

We have all sorts of stuff happening at Bryant Park, from a guy beaten to a pulp, the homeless hanging out, playground equipment where adults ride the swings and now a real life Bobcat according to the photographer!

The bobcat hunts animals of different sizes, and will adjust its hunting techniques accordingly. With small animals, such as rodents (including squirrels), birds, fish, and insects, it will hunt in areas known to be abundant in prey, and will lie, crouch, or stand, and wait for victims to wander close. It will then pounce, grabbing its prey with its sharp, retractable claws. For slightly larger animals, such as rabbits and hares, it will stalk from cover and wait until they come within 20 to 35 ft (6.1 to 11 m) before rushing in to attack. Less commonly, it will feed on larger animals, such as young ungulates and other carnivores such as fishers, foxes, minks, skunks, small dogs and domesticated cats.  Source;  Wikipedia

Let's hope that it is true that cats are not a big part of their diet as there are a lot of feral cats around Bryant Park and a homeowner who we all know and love who owns a few.


  1. Um, that is a photo of a domestic cat, not a bobcat.

    Look at images of bobcats on Google and you will see that there is no resemblance!

  2. That maybe someones cat named Bob. But it is not a Bobcat.

  3. The baby Bobcat has spotted fur that disappears when it gets older and has a bobbed tail just like this one. Maybe you are right, anonymous, but I'm not too sure. Hell, we have everything else at the park, why not a Bobcat? :)

  4. The tail in the picture is a nub, like a Manx. A bobcat has a short tail, look it up. Also the bobcat does not have white "socks" like this one. Again look it up and you will see.

    I also suspect that a wild bobcat would never get that close.

  5. Bobcat kittens resemble normal house cat kittens. They have the same body structure and features. It is actually very hard to tell them apart. One way to tell the difference is that bobcat kittens have the same markings and spots as the adults and it has a small tail. Tt could be a Bobcat.

  6. ,Lynn, that is a Manx cat. A Domestic cat ! Katie

  7. LOl--at least it's a cat and not a rat!

  8. There is a man in the city, who I see in the beach and around town who has a cat on a leash that looks like a bobcat somewhat, maybe that was the cat or it got lose. I think we could use more cats in Bryant Park as there are so many rats at the pier, they really need to put cats or address all the rodents running around, it is really disgusting. Our city has become so rat infested in so many different ways. Lynn go to the pier at 5-7pm you will see tons of rats there, really gross.
