Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nothing left but his ashes

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Doodles is believed to be one of 580 dogs in the U.S. that have died in the past six years from eating pet jerky from China. Baffled by the cause and seeing another surge in illnesses, the Food and Drug Administration reached out to owners and veterinarians to help it find the poison behind the sickening of at least 3,600 dogs and 10 cats since 2007. Read more...

Doodles was fed french fried looking snacks several times a day until his health failed in the eight weeks leading up to Sept. 9, when he at last succumbed to kidney failure thought to be from pet products made in China. The FDA has been investigating these products and they have one common denominator--all coming from China. They just can't determine what is in the products to cause sickness and even death.

When you buy snacks for your pet, be sure to look where it was made. Many pet shops, have not taken these products off their shelves although they are all well aware of the risks. There is only a consumer advisory out right now, which warns consumers that treats made in China may sicken and kill your pets.


  1. the pet store on lake still selling this crap.

  2. paws on the ave are aware of the product but have decided to keep it on selfs,profit comes first?????
