Saturday, October 26, 2013

This is the friendly face you see when you go up to the government's web site, If you go to the site, make sure you are in good health as the face becomes less friendly as you click on anything-- it will definitely make your blood pressure rise.

The website, as everyone knows, has "glitches." It just plain does NOT work. On Saturday Obama vowed that "in the coming weeks, we are going to get it working as smoothly as it's supposed to." In the meantime, he encouraged the public to call 1-800-318-2596 or visit  Obama must get this thing up and running. After all, this will be his legacy--socialized medicine.

The basic architecture of the site, built by federal contractors overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, was flawed in design, poorly tested and ultimately not functional. “You need there to be good people on the inside to make good contracting decisions and good people on the outside to do the work,” explained Clay Johnson, a Democratic technology consultant who recently worked as a White House fellow. “Right now, it’s the blind leading the blind.” Read more...

As seen in the PB Post this morning, a Darrin Bell cartoon

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