Friday, October 25, 2013

Jerk of the Day - MSNBC Chris Hayes

Comment Up

Hayes said — ..."along the way noting the 'game you have to play' these days to win the most Republican favor, which means they have to constantly feed red meat to an absolutely insatiable base.”


  1. Guess NOT everyone shares you point of view....

  2. No, only about 49% in the last election. However, the tide is turning. People are waking up to the truth. To call people KKK members because they are conservatives or believe in smaller government is the biggest racist statement of the century--an absurdity beyond belief! Democratic Alinsky tactics.

  3. Chris Hayes, Debbie Wasserman,and all members of the Liars team,Communist American Media, of the Liar-in-Chief,
    America's most incompetent,disgrace,
    want to make America a one Party, Socialist/Communist(like Kenyan Communist Muslim reared, Benghazi/IRS/NSA/Assoc.Press Gate B.HUSSEIN Obama.American taxpayers have not received a Balanced Budget(our tax money spent by Liar-in-Chief, proven on the World stage),
    in 5 years.1 Trilion spent on Food stamps for 20 million aggressive illegal American Sovereign Land stealing unskilled criminal,voting, alien vermin..violating our Sovereign borders

  4. Blacks in Ohio proudly mentioned ,they voted several times, just to force America, to accept a KenyanComunism/Muslim reared Liar-in-Chief,proven at the which I am connected,B.HUSSEIN Obama into our White House. In Delray Beach, palm Beach Post reported,25000 drivers Licenses have been sold to aggressive illegal American Sovereign land,Food Stamps, Well fare stealing criminal invaders,voting MV employees showed up in Cadillac Escalades, and then were caught,
    The vermin violating our Sovereign borders,now collects America's poor food stamps,paid for with our tax money, and sell them for 70Cts. on the Dollar.Check Spanish grocery stores, where they were bought,general knowledge..
    The D
