Friday, October 25, 2013

Graffiti, or is it Art?

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The City Commission and the CRA are hell bent on Lake Worth becoming an artists' destination--attracting poor artists to our city to create and sell their inspirations.  The above has been in our downtown for several weeks. Art or Graffiti? And just when we're trying to build up J Street. We had a policy under a former commission to eliminate graffiti within 24 hours.

Speaking of art, I was told that a tattoo parlor has desires to locate in our downtown on Lake Avenue and had picked out a space but an arts shop beat them out. Thank God one landlord had some common sense. I wonder if he was inspired by the old bikers' night, the kava bar and the e-cigarette establishments. E-cigarettes are still legal but are being watched by law enforcement. Devices are growing in popularity, especially in states where medical marijuana is legal...think Jeff Clemens.  Shouldn't we have some sort of Ordinance to protect the city from businesses such as these?

And speaking of Ordinances and such, why did we allow residential in our industrial Park of Commerce?   By its very name, commerce, could we not just as easily limited that area to commercial and industrial? 


  1. That's right. It was the best commission ever.

  2. This gang graffiti is still on this building as of last night. How can the city ignore this in our downtown? What about it Amoroso?
