Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today's visitor- Great Egret

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hits on the "other blogger"

Great Egret: Large, white heron with yellow eyes. Bill is yellow, may appear orange when breeding. Black legs and feet. Long feather plumes extend from the back to beyond the tail during breeding season. Feeds on fish, frogs, insects, snakes and crayfish. Bouyant direct flight on steady wing beats.


  1. Did this Egret find Wes's bullet in the grass? Don't know why he's calling it a bullet. It's the negative attention he's always sought. And considering the venom in his arrow, he was No RIGHT TO COMPLAIN.

  2. As that other blogger likes to believe he is ethical, he does smear campaigns against everyone. Is he sick? A wannabe politician who lost twice at the polls. Everyone has had enough of his personal attacks. Grow up and get off the pablum as it's causing a weight problem that is dragging you down the gutter. He's such a bird fluttering around..

  3. Thanks for your blog, Lynn. That other person needs to concentrate on his own business but he and his 4 followers seem to obsess on you. Is jealousy a sickness?

  4. Wes Blackman is a publifigure. he ran for c ommisisoner? he's on a plannign Board. Hed really needs to get his act together, write his blog instead of putting up videos so that people can attack yhou, lynn/. He doesn't even write anything anymore. how old is this man?

  5. Besmirching people is easy. But it takes talent to write a blog.

  6. Jesus, I just went over there to see what in the hell he did. Unbelievable. He is not an honorable man. Sad.

  7. A dud. You got that one right. He's the one who brought us the Lucerne, that abomination downtown and now wants to build high all over the city. He says we should build higher and ride our bikes all over the place but then takes a crack at Mcvoy for bike lanes. Go figure. I'm too old to ride a bike and besides I don't want developers running our little town. Who in the hell do they think they are?

  8. The other blogger as you put it should hang his head in shame. His constant harassment of you, Ms. Anderson is beyond what any decent person would consider normal. He looks at it as some sort of expose reporting whereas it is bullying plain and simple. Perhaps we all should feel sorry for him as perhaps someone stepped on his toe when he was a child, or called him names or he went through some personal abuse and bullying and then became one himself. Whatever other explanation is there? He's lost it.

  9. Does he bother to learn the difference in bullying and parody? Guess not.

  10. Lynn,” the silver bullet”, great comparison, for Wes Blackman. According to WikipediA-The Idiomatic use of a silver bullet is; The silver bullet has been adopted into a general metaphor, where "silver bullet" refers to any straightforward solution perceived to have extreme effectiveness. The phrase typically appears with an expectation that some new technological development or practice will easily cure a major prevailing problem. That comparison is right on “target” when describing Wes’s ideas and urban planning skills here in south FL. Thanks Lynn for recognizing contributions to LW.

  11. Unfortunately that particular bullet is lead nickel. :)

  12. Wes Blackman? Urban planning skills?? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....

    Cute to see his little friend run over here and stick up for him, though. Real cute.
