Thursday, September 19, 2013

Politicians doing the End Run

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Hey, if you don't like a bill, you don't like a law, you pull a trick---you find a way to go around it--similar to this Lake Worth commission that didn't like the results of the heights election--

"Congress had said [it wasn’t] going to pay for somebody in the federal bureaucracy to serve as an advocate for the illegal aliens. Then the administration said, We'll just retitle the position, essentially leave the same job description, and go ahead and do this anyway. So far they have not run into any serious resistance from Congress – and so they keep doing it. This is really evidence of the fact that even if we pass a bill that includes strong enforcement provisions – which the Senate bill does not; but even if the House were to put [such provisions] in there, there is no guarantee whatever that the administration would actually carry them out.”

Read more at Political Outcast.


  1. As that other blogger likes to believe he is ethical, he does smear campaigns against everyone. Is he sick? A wannabe politician who lost twice at the polls. Everyone has had enough of his personal attacks. Grow up and get off the pablum as it's causing a weight problem that is dragging you down the gutter.

  2. How much could we charge for a Wes Blackman Blows Tee shirt? For a fundraiser ,of course.
    Katie Mcgiveron,just wondering,,,,,

  3. Personal attacks on blogs while entertaining, except the vicious ones, do not help solve any of our issues. I would bet yes voters and no voters agree on most city issues and the ones they disagree on could be amicably compromised on. If we could find candidates we trust, who study every issue with our citizens dreams and well being in mind I do not think we would be up in arms if a vote did not go our way. We do not need a no candidate or a yes candidate who votes on those lines. We need leaders who are proud that there is no majority, no politics, just fair play. Is this to much to ask?
