Monday, September 16, 2013

The Political Pawns

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Commissioners were used as willing political pawns by those backed by developer interests wanting to raise heights in our low-rise downtown. This is an article from one year ago on The Gulfstream Hotel also used as a political emotional pawn during our Heights Charter Amendment that had nothing to do with this hotel.

When you think of this city commission and everything it did and every conniving political trick imaginable to turn the tide of this vote, which they couldn't do at the voting booth (and then they came up with some law that doesn't even pertain to a Charter Amendment that is now being legally challenged), it is a wonder they were not drawn up and quartered. In fact, it is so bad now, that when some commissioners don't know the answer to a question they get on the defensive and ask, "Why don't you move into my district and run against me?"

An article on the Gulfstream Hotel written in February of this year. Click here

Any pawn move you make is final - even if you realize it was a mistake later, there's no way to get your pawn back in the place it came from. Pawns are important in the game of chess, but when it comes to the "political game," they are not more important than the voters and certainly not more important than the Constitution and the electorate.


  1. the queen of mean keeps saying it is not in foreclosure. Which is it?

  2. I think this posting is completely false. Sorry, but there's no facts to back up these claims Lynn. Taking the advice of your attorney doesn't make anyone a pawn and the City Attorney happens to be one of the most experienced, knowledgeable, and well-respected government attorneys in Florida. Give the guy the credit he deserves.

  3. who is the queen of mean?

  4. Sorry, they ARE pawns. Who do you think the city attorney reports to? Who do you think hires and fires the city attorney? This commission had every opportunity to keep the heights at 4 stories in our downtown regardless of HB 537 that has not yet been challenged in court. They used Mr. Torcivia's OPINION as an excuse to nullify the vote. Who do you think this commission works for? It should not be special interests. Other than this OPINION by Mr. Torcivia, I happen to like him. He's doing what he's suppose to do--the will of the commission.

  5. I can't wait to see how the worms wiggle and squiggle when they have to ask us to vote for them. ELECTIONS DON'T MATTER, REMEMBER ?!?

  6. This is opinion and I happen to agree with Lynn. So you may disagree with her opinion and she disagrees with the city legal team. And? What's false?

  7. I'll take an informed legal opinion over an uninformed opinion of joe schmoe every time. I think Mr. Torcivia knows a whole lot more about giving legal advice than any of us do, so that's quite a big ego you have Anon @ 1:31 to say you know more than the city attorney.

  8. Laurel Decker's attorney says he is wrong. It is just an OPINION, anonymous. That is why there are courts of law and opposing attorneys. No one is saying that they know more than Mr. Torcivia other than the opposing attorney who says he has a case. It has nothing to do with egos. As far as I am concerned, the commission should just honor the vote.

  9. Lynn, at the last commission meeting our cm chastised residents for questioning the blanket p.o. for 600,000 worth of transformers. The residents argument was light poles on dark streets was far more important for a variety of obvious reasons. She was shot down because our cm said different funds were involved and light poles could not be purchased from the transformer fund. This is not true. Fund transfers are made almost daily. Instead of grandstanding today in the PBP the mayor should have called out the cm and demanded relief for people on unlit streets, especially the woman who appeared at the last commission meeting. WE DESPERATELY NEED A NEW,PREPARED, QUALIFIED, MAYOR WITH A BACK BONE. ONE WHO IS NOT AFRAID TO CHALLENGE OUR CM.

  10. Our Commission could have honored the election. They would not have been breaking any laws. To spit on an election because of an opinion is ignorant. To spit on an election WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO is unforgivable.
    I guess we should expect nothing less from a Commission who disbanded our former very well qualified P&Z board because they were terrified of one of it's members(who had only one vote, by the way) Cara Jennings. Then this same Commission had the nerve to be angry at the rest of the members because they did not come begging on their knees to be re-appointed to the board. Imagine!
    And the list could go on and on,,,,
    Katie Mcgiveron
