Monday, September 16, 2013

Renaming Memorial Field - What's in a Name?

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On Tomorrow night's agenda:
Resolution No. 52-2013 - rename the City of Lake Worth Memorial Field located at 520 Sunrise Court to the City of Lake Worth Harold Grimes Memorial Field.

From everything I read, Mr. Grimes was a wonderful guy. I heard he made the best rib sauce. Harold Grimes died in January this year, complications from diabetes. He was born in Boynton and raised in the Lake Worth Osborne area. In the 1970's he played defensive lineman for Lake Worth High School. Later he played for a semi-pro football team in Delray Beach. He was a recreation assistant for Lake Worth’s Recreation Division from 1973 until 1994.

Didn't we rename our Pier after someone who lived in the Osborne area?

This item is on the Consent Agenda. This should be under New Business and allow the public to weigh in.  It's not too much different than attempting to change the name of our city--it's just a smaller scale.  As the name is Memorial Field, it encompasses all those who passed, not just one person. Erecting a plaque in his name would  be more appropriate.

Why do we feel we have to re-name everything in this city?  Is history not important? What about some famous ball players in our city?  Herb Score, a graduate of Lake Worth High School who played on this field?  Mayo Smith who went to Lake Worth? Wasn't this the same field that was named for him at one time? According to an historian, the city dropped his name when we started using ball fields in the north end for baseball and it became Memorial Field.  Do we update our heroes like we update our cell phones?

One thing about the Consent Agenda these days, it never tells you who put an item on it to pass with NO public input. This is just one more example of the administration's attitude towards the public in general and their's as well as the commission's  laissez–faire attitude about our history.

A history on our ball fields.


  1. Juan Ruiz put it on consent. How does he get the authority to do something like this? Is anyone watching the store?

  2. So in your opinion the city of Lake Worth can only name 1 field/pier/beach/golf course after and African American/Osborne resident?
    Why don't you just come out and post that YOU don't want a ball field that you NEVER played on, NEVER had kids play on and DON'T pay taxes to support after one of those people?
    Funny how you bring up Herb Score who happens to be white.
    First you delete a hateful racist post that YOU wrote after you were called out on Wes's blog about it. You wait one week now this.
    You just can't help yourself when it comes to people of color. What does that tell you about yourself?

  3. Have no idea what you're talking about you? Especially when it comes to Wes Blackman, have NO idea what that's all about other than he LOVES to feature me on his blog...has nothing better to do with his time. People can call people anything they want to justify stupidity or their political convictions. When you have no other argument, "racist" is an excellent one to use.

  4. Lynn, aren't you a big supporter of Allen West? Isn't he an African American man? You also support Ben Carson. Isn't he an African American man? I could be mistaken but I believe your article was about renaming parks with no authority to do so. I have one question for you. Why do you give someone like this the time of day?

  5. I dunno. It just shows that there are little miserable people in this city that want to invent, lie, bring down, and besmirch people for raising an issue. They don't bother me but they should post under their real name. Name calling is so juvenile, doncha think?

  6. You are the biggest racist, and bigot I have ever meet, and that is saying a lot seeing as my family comes from Georgia. Stop hiding behind Allen West, first off he is a War Criminal, and second off he has no idea who you are...

  7. Jesus Fuc$ing CHRIST, PEOPLE !!! THIS IS NOT ABOUT RACE ! you stupid jackasses! It is about STAFF putting items on our agenda! It is about this being put on the CONSENT AGENDA !!How in the HELL does STAFF have the right to put ANYTHING on the agenda? Commissioners can put things on the agenda. We, as CITIZENS can request that our COMMISSINERS put things on the agenda. City employees should not be putting things on an agenda, much less a consent agenda. Whoever allowed this to go through(Pam Lopez)? needs to have their ass publically kicked!
    So Mr. Grimes was a great guy. So he volunteered. SO WHAT !! I know a lot of great guys/gals that volunteered! If the powers that be (and I guess that means the employees in this town ) want to rename our ball field, open up the choice to EVERYONE !! Better yet, just leave the name what it is now.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  8. @8:52--I would wager to say that you and I have NEVER been in any sort of intelligent conversation.
    1. Actually Allen west does know me or he did at one time. His number is even in my cell phone. I don't have to have close relationships with people to understand who I like politically. I suppose you know Obama intimately?
    2. You DON'T know me.
    3. By your comments, you are the ONLY racist here.
    4. Calm down and stop the personal attacks. They make you look silly.
