Sunday, September 8, 2013

Marco, living the American Dream

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Marco Rubio is a young Senator who has it all. He is featured in Parade today with his gorgeous wife Jeanette and his four children.


  1. Rubio has it all except a spine and convictions. Which means he really has nada.

  2. He has convictions, anonymous, just not on illegal immigration, unfortunately. The rest of his beliefs I essentially agree with. As the Tea Party is gaining strength again after getting beat up by left-wing liberals, he should have stayed with the plan.

  3. I'm not sure he does have real convictions, Lynn. It kind of feels like his main conviction is in himself, and his own success. I used to like him a lot, too. But now I wonder whether he didn't just jump on the Tea Party wave because that was the biggest thing going. Glad he voted against Syria strike though.
