Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vote for Lake Worth

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One week left to vote for your favorite town! Put Lake Worth on the map by voting during the final week of the 2013 Best of the Road contest. We will have to get half this city to vote between now and September 3rd. :)

Remember to encourage your friends, family and neighbors to participate on Facebook, Twittter, Instagram and Vine using the hashtag #Bestoftheroad to promote your town and increase votes. Votes may be submitted once-a-day per town in 6 categories: Most Beautiful, Best Food, Most Fun, Friendliest, Most Patriotic, and Best for Geocaching! Voting will close September 3rd at 12:00 pm CST. There is still time to make your town the Best Small Town in America!

Vote now for your favorite small town in America


  1. Are you serious? I hope a few years down the road that we can legitimately put our hat in the ring for this honor. With all you post about crime, blight, and incompetent management is not this campaign for votes premature.

  2. Well, in spite of those HUGE problems, anonymous, Lake Worth still, in spite of all the crap, has the best beach in the world, a brand new casino, an 18 hole golfcourse on the Intracoastal, Snook islands, a new fishing Pier and a vibrant downtown.

    Until we start marketing our assets, we will never get the tourism we deserve. Tourists come to go to the beach, not to drive down in the hood or on our alphabet streets to look at the blight.

  3. I guess the elephant in the room is where do all these tourists stay. We want tourists and we want hotels, but that pesky 20 feet always comes into play. Your last paragraph is probably some kind of put down to my comments. No, tourists do not go to the "hood" after a day at our casino and beach, they go back to their hotel room which unfortunately is in another city. I was in the tourism business and we never marketed areas which did not have lodging.

  4. i love our beach but please be real. it is not ranked in the top ten beaches in florida. tourists stay in hotels near attractions. is our slogan spend here but do not stay here.

  5. We have lodging. We have areas that can be developed. Where are your builder friends? Why haven't they built a 4 story hotel over the last 50 years? Your argument gets no where with me.

  6. 10:49, Not much of any use or progress goes anywhere with you. Just how many rooms does this city have? Might help if you did some research.

  7. Its not an argument, its a discussion, its what mature adults do.

  8. they can stay at the Omphoy right next to our beach. so what if it's not a lake worth hotel. Not having a hotel is not distracting tourism.

  9. Sorry, anonymous @ 11:04--your hotel argument was not conducted by "mature adults." Not then and not now.

  10. 11:25 Mindless statements! Lets give up the utility and bed tax revenue. Omphoy guests are more drawn to its beach, restaurants, not to mention Worth Ave. "Not distracting" how about detouring to other locations. Statements like yours nay be why the commission voided your vote.

  11. LOL. Thanks for reminding everyone that what the commission did was unethical if not illegal.

  12. 12:10 pm Is it illegal to stop people from hurting themselves and others.

  13. You can call me by name, anonymous at 1:07. I don't hide under a cloak of mystery. Don't understand your question.

  14. People who pay little to no taxes could care less about the cities need for revenue. You cry out that the pool should not have to pay for itself because you are not going to share the deficit anyway. You will support the infrastructure bond because you will not pay for that either. Why in the world would you care about a hotel. I really do not mind that you do not pay for much of anything. But along with that comes the golden rule, he with the gold rules. Your vote was voided because you have no skin in the game. That is why you had to be stopped from hurting yourself and others.


  15. Is there some reason you just grew old to be a nasty witch? Was that God's plan for you? Is that who we should blame it on?

    I care very much for this city. So, are you saying that if you are poor in this country that you shouldn't have a voice? It is only those with money that should be heard because they have more skin in the game?

    My vote was VOIDED because You lied, the commission lied, and you got off with a $250 fine.

    P.S. I am not for any commitment of the people for an Obligation Bond for that amount of money. As far as a hotel--I am all for a 4 story hotel. Get one built with all your charm, ok? And stick your personal golden rule where the sun don't shine.

  16. Do people who rent and don't pay property taxes have a right to have "skin in the game" anonymous? What about people whose houses are in foreclosure? Can they be heard? What about people who can't afford their ad valorem taxes? Half the city or more rent here. Should they bow out of the game and just allow the slum lords to have a vote?

  17. "My vote was voided because you lied, the commission lied and you got off with a $250 fine. Except for exhibiting more nasty hate what the eff does that mean? Your vote was voided because your conservative hero Rick Scott signed a new bill. had nothing to do with any of your hated dirty dozen.
    Reality is tough for to deal with.

  18. Truth hurts, anonymous and it matters. Just ask the other blogger. Don't come back over here and spread your venom.
