Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Syria - committing moral obscenities

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Who are the "good" guys and the 'bad" guys in Syria?  It is confusing as to whom is committing the moral obscenities...Is it the rebels and our enemy the Muslim Brotherhood or is it the Syrian government? John Kerry has accused the Assad government of "indiscriminate slaughter of civilians," and that Obama was going to hold the Syrian government responsible. As our intelligence hasn't been so hot over the past decade and this could be an a la Bush moment, we need to be sure without any doubt.

Assad has been facing an insurgency at home and has refused to step down. He believes the uprising to be an international conspiracy carried out by Islamic extremists and fundamentalist groups such as the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood — a branch of the Egyptian group with the same name to which Morsi belongs.

Back in May, it was reported by the Washington Times that,
Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior U.N. diplomat said Monday. Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent. But she said her panel had not yet seen any evidence of Syrian government forces using chemical weapons, according to the BBC, but she added that more investigation was needed. {emphasis ours}
So far, reports are coming in that Assad now used chemicals killing 355 up to 1,300 of his people. No one is sure of the number but we are sending in a team to investigate.  Some have said it is the rebels. We have seen the photos on TV and they're not pretty. Assad said these reports are an "outrage against common sense." He also warned that any U.S. intervention in Syria would bring "failure just like in all the previous wars that were waged by us beginning with VietNam.

Obama knows, because our U.S. intelligence agencies have told him, that they have uncovered new evidence that al Qaeda-linked terrorists in Benghazi are training foreign jihadists to fight with Syria’s Islamist rebels.

The UK Independent reports that  Obama has agreed to launch cruise missile attacks against the Syrian government within two weeks despite the lack of any authorization from the UN and despite the absence of any evidence in behalf of Washington’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons. The Congress has given no authority either but that won't stop Obama just like it didn't stop him in Libya two years ago.

So, what are we doing? Who is the enemy?


  1. All good questions Lynn but I do not think they can even be answered by Washington.

  2. My very thought this morning while watching footage of this. What if the "Rebels" used the gas and blamed it on the Regime? I hope before we take action we have REAL Facts and REAL consensus from our allies on this. The US can not make another blunder on foreign soil. Who ever IS responsible for the Gas should be held accountable but its too soon to tell.

    The worst part is more civilians will die while the US tries to figure this out.

  3. Most recent...

    Now doesn't the press feel like idiots? They should.

    This is why everyone backed off yesterday (Except Barry). The proof was already given to the UN.

    “Syria’s deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday that the United States, Britain and France helped “terrorists” use chemical weapons in Syria, and that the same groups would soon use them against Europe. Speaking to reporters outside the Four Seasons hotel in Damascus, Faisal Maqdad said he had presented U.N. chemical weapons inspectors with evidence that “armed terrorist groups” had used sarin gas in all the sites of alleged attacks.”

    To break it down plainly, the deputy foreign minister is now adding power behind the January 2013 leaked emails that revealed plans for a major chemical attack as a pretext to war. And regardless of the validity of these emails, it highlights the consistent patterns of staged attacks in order to launch military action. In one such report from Yahoo News, the story reads:

    “The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown. As per the scheme ‘Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to usechemical weapons,’ the Daily Mail reports.”
    and today:
    "...Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

    “From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” writes Gavlak."

  4. Sec. of State John Kerry gave an emotional pitch on Syria this afternoon that sounded like the drum roll for war. It echoed the address by Colin Powell to the U.N. that got us into the war with Iraq. Then President Obama spoke to the Press with the leaders of Latvia and Estonia seated next to him. He sounded a lot like he was ready to jump in even without allies or a U.N. Resolution to strike at Syria.

    Terrible as the chemical attacks are, the sniper fire and bombings are also horrible. This is a civil and religious war and it will not end well with or without our interference. We cannot control what Muslim sect or terrorist group would take over if Assad is taken out.

    Here are two options, we could pursue, if any, to interfere without using our military might. Persuade Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Jordan to have one of their resident Islamist Imams put out a fatois on Assad and his political successor. If it can be done to Simon Rushty who was only guilty of language against a Muslim sect, why hesitate for some maniac who is killing any and all Muslims?

    Second option, have the CIA sanction a hit on Assad and his political successor. Of course we would get the approval of Congress first.... :-X


  5. It doesn't seem that a lot of people really know our understand just exactly what obamas doing.What's his goal? Where does he stand with the people of America? Last count it was somewhere around 37% favour what sends how he is running the presidency! obama is behind all the bad stuff in America...he has power be should not have.He's gone way off the map when it comes to following presidency rules. obama is supporting AGENDA21...look it up.If it doesn't frighten you, wonder why.
    obama is not only the worst president in the history of America, but also the most evil!!
    The Syrian gassing??? Obama!!!!!!
