Thursday, August 15, 2013

Treason on America's Southern Border

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Glenn Beck pointed out last week that we, as a nation, are being ruled by 535 people in the Congress – 535 politicians are forcing 350 million into accepting Amnesty and the majority don’t want it. Why are we letting this happen? When will enough be enough and we stop the insanity? Essentially, they are erasing our borders and overwhelming our Republic with illegal aliens. It’s an invasion that is being invited in by treasonous individuals on both sides of the political aisle who stand to gain from the destruction of America, the plundering and redistribution of our resources, and the subjugation of the freest society the world has ever known. Why would they do it?

The answer is as old as time itself: money and power.

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  1. It all might be for money and power, but really we all do need to unite. There really is no such thing as borders. God did not make them, man did, our world really would be a much better place if we all united and worked and loved together, not having separate states nor countries, we can have the Americas, and could be much stronger and better united. When you are in the the sky in an airplane, you do not see borders separating any state or country, it is all part of God's plan, not man's, we really need to get beyond this silly mentality of separate countries and selfish ways, we need to unite, share, give of and to others, and help all our neighbors. We are one people in God's eyes, we are all brothers and sisters and must learn to work together, unite, and be one under God.

  2. During the time of Jesus, there were borders and those countries protected their borders. Jesus never addressed open borders that I am aware of. There were rich, poor, evil and good and different religions and gods--nothing much has changed in over 2,000 years.

  3. "Why are we letting it happen?"

    I suppose the same could be said for the Iraq War: why did we let it happen?

    Because it's the United States and we have a Constitution that calls for the States to be represented in a Congress. They don't always make decisions that we all like or agree with, but that is our system of government.

    It's funny how a certain percentage of people who claim to be Americans don't understand this or, strangely enough, only comprehend or understand this concept when a Republican is in office.

    It's the danger of listening to an entertainer the likes of Glenn Beck who makes money making Americans even more ignorant than they already are.

  4. Your opinion, anonymous. Naturally, I disagree with you on Glenn Beck...BIG TIME. The other thing that I disagree with you is on Obama. I never thought I would see the day when one socialist who has a power of persuasion through his oratory skills could ruin the entire Unites States of America and crap on the Constitution repeatedly and an entire Democratic Party following him like those of Jim Jones swallowing his outrageous policies along with his cyanide-laced Kool-Aid.

  5. It's time for a states convention. SCREW THIS DO NOTHING CONGRESS. A 2/3 majority of states can convene a convention telling the assholes in Congress what to do.

  6. Okay, so you didn't publish my last comment. Fair enough. I disagreed with you and articulated some pretty salient points that you found it hard to counter.

    But please clarify one thing: on at least two occassions that I recall you've called yourself an independent. Now, after reviewing your comment policy in the right sidebar, you're calling yourself a conservative.

    I would ask you if you moved right but you were already there a long time ago. So why represent yourself as an independent for so long?

  7. Well, I don't want to get into a stupid debate on this subject--you have your views; I have mine. We will NEVER change our minds. I could post that comment and then I would have to reply because, because, because and it just never ends. ok?

    Next, I cam a conservative. I AM a registered Democrat. You see the conflict? The Dem Party has changed especially since Obama--left of Karl Marx, Jos Stalin, Vlad Lenin, FDR and Fidel Castro. I believe that the Democrats have and continue to destroy our country. Therefore I call myself an independent when I vote...I vote for the person and not the Party but my leanings now are more Republican.

  8. Debate is fine, Dez--it is the arguing from you that will get us nowhere.
