Thursday, August 15, 2013

The "Big One" Celebration at John G's

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No matter how wonderful the restaurants are at our new casino, we all miss John G's, a restaurant that was a fixture at the Lake Worth beach for nearly 4 decades. Mark your calendar for their September 21st celebration at their location at the Plaza Del Mar, Manalapan.

John G's Newsletter August 2013
Hello Friends,

We've set the date for our celebration! September 21st from 7am-3pm.

We have a full day of fun planned. Please come by, check out the deals we've got and relive old memories. We've got 40 years of great memories and can't wait to hear yours. The Big One In the early days, John had an idea called "the Big One." It consisted of: one egg, one slice of bacon, one slice of toast, one cup of coffee, ONE DOLLAR, hence the Big One! We are bringing it back for our 40th on Sept. 21st from 7am-11am. We are also offering our world famous Detroit sliders for forty cents (40 years) each during lunch, 11am-3pm

The money we make from the sales of The Big One and Detroit sliders will be donated to Hospice of Palm Beach County Foundation. Because we feel so strongly about the care they provide we will match the amount and donate in memory of John G(iragos).


  1. There are several things I love about Johnny g's. First, they treat you like family. Second, they have maintained the same quality and prices.

  2. "we all miss john g's"?
    I don't give a rat's ass about john g's.

  3. @12:16--This can't be anyone but Loretta. How's it going?

  4. Our beach is NOW alive at five. I like John G's but I'm happy we have a restaurant that does what WE want them to do. Offer service at dinner time.

  5. Lynn,

    I don't miss John G's one bit. Ate there once because a client wanted to meet me there and I was not impressed by the greasy spoon diner food at all. They got a free ride of subsidized rent at the Lake Worth taxpayer expense leaving behind a HUGE utility bill that was never paid. When I was working at Mulligan's I lost track of the number of customers who would tell me that John G's employees told them they were thrown our of our beach casino building. That is the farthest thing from the truth, they let their greed got the better of them when they bid a ridiculously low amount once the renovations were completed. Three different occassions I approached them about doing fundraisers, one was for the grandmother of Lake Worth. They said no and when I ask would they donate anything, money, a gift certificate to raffle off they said they had to speak to their accountant! Really?!?! Benny's has hosted three fundraisers for Genesis. The most successful was the fundraiser for Ethel Harris, the grandmother of Lake Worth, where we raised nearly $1,000.00. Yes indeed, I won't miss them one bit so I am happily excluded from that "we all miss John G's".

    John Glessly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  6. What did they bid, Mark? They were willing to pay market rent.
    do you really believe that businesses have some moral duty to give money all of the time for this, that and the next thing or person who has a hand-out in this city? I think not.
    you went there once. I went there a thousand times during the course of their lease. And another thing I get mighty tired of comdemning them for a low rent..the city offered them a Lease. They paid what the city asked. You condemn them for that? Get real now.

  7. Just like any business plan, if it's not in their budget forget about it. They aren't government. Can you even imagine all the people who come knocking on doors for a donation to some worthy cause?

  8. You talk trash about them, yet have no problem asking them to donate time and money? How many jobs has Mark had?

  9. Mark made me very uncomfortable when I went to eat at Mulligan last October. I guess he was a greater or something so he comes up and puts his hands on my shoulders telling me I'm going to love the monster fish sandwich. Never met the guy before, really cheeped us out.

  10. John G's is doing a special thing in memory of their Dad, John, whose Lake Worth casino restaurant was wildly known. People came to our beach just to dine there. The food was quality all of the time and still is. All the people who used to frequent it now go to Manalapan. All proceeds from these two specials will go to Hospice plus they are matching the money. I would say that this is very generous and money going to a very worthy organization from owners who care.

  11. they always give gift certificates for the LW High fund raisers.
