Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pam Triolo Quotes of the Day

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There were many quotes of the day from last night's meeting. Here are two that I especially found interesting  from Mayor Pam Triolo.

"I think this was political motivation that got this going the way it went."

Yes indeed it was exactly that mayor. It started when you kicked the Planning and Zoning as well as the Historical Preservation Board members OUT and re-appointed your own development oriented members who wanted 65 feet in our downtown, not the 45 feet already agreed upon. The referendum launched when you voted on 65 feet in our downtown. That IS POLITICAL.

"Be respectful of everyone here, not disrespectful...that's what we're here to do."

This was said after she abused every resident who spoke and tried to mitigate their free speech. She called a Point of Order when commissioner McVoy was speaking who stated that this entire matter began when this commission kicked out the members of the P&Z and HRPB. 


  1. There seems to be a competition for Top Queen of LW between Triolo and Loretta Sharpe. With Loretta's house still in foreclosure she may not be around much longer.

  2. Don't worry about Loretta. She was here long before any of you carpet baggers were and she'll be here long after your gone.
    She's outlasted your hero carpetbagger/lifeguard/foreclosed kindergarten teacher didn't she?

  3. Do you have any idea what the word carpet baggers even means? It certainly is not people who want to keep 45 feet in our downtown. Dream up another attack word...that one doesn't fly even in the smallest of minds.

  4. It's amusing that you use a foreclosure as a dreadful irresponsible thing. Sometimes it is. So ask Loretta all about her house in foreclosure. Do that and then shut the heck up.

  5. Don’t vote her in next time she is a horrible person and the YouTube video going around proves it.
