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The chart below shows how much PUBLIC debt has increased in America over the past 30 years....and how things have really gotten out of control in the past ten. Capital has become PUBLIC DEBT...a debt everyone owes. Wall Street Bankers portray that accumulating PUBLIC DEBT doesn't matter as they get rich bankrupting everything and everyone. It is no different than when bankers induced citizens to over leverage homes or buy dot.coms....but in the end, we learned they lied. By capitalizing PRIVATE wealth with PUBLIC debt, the bankers have financially reconstructed the moral equivalent of slavery or serfdom until things collapse. The wealthy are now rich due to a debt that they owe, PUBLIC DEBT, but can't pay back. So the bankers are creating the illusion of wealth by rolling over the debt on the next generation that bankers know can't be paid back.
Read more... on the system is failing--a perspective.
And so much of this debt is government waste and corruption of people who reap benefits and do not really need them, not just in this country, but around the world. The waste, corruption, greed, and ineffectiveness of administering the peoples money and good has gone haywire, government is completely out of control.