Wednesday, July 17, 2013


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Read about the real Trayvon, the one that the liberal media did not want you to know...The media that played the race card when race had nothing to do with it. It was dangerous and divisive reporting trumped up by two ego maniacs, Al and Jessee, with the help of Attorney General Eric Holder and Obama himself.

Nearly 6'2" and 175 lbs, it has been reported that Trayvon had numerous run-ins with authorities both at school and local police and had been stopped and almost arrested two days before his death for smacking a bus driver in the face because the driver refused to let him ride for free.


  1. Lynn,
    Be careful what you post about this. I happen to agree with the verdict but the blog you quote might be embellishing a bit. He was not 6'2" unless he shrunk to what the coroner reported.

    He probably was a thug wannabe as much as Zimmer was a cop wannabe.

    Once he sucker punched Zimmer for following him, all bets were off. It was self defense, pure and simple.

    I hope he sues NBC for millions. It is their doctoring of the 911 tapes that have caused this entire nation wide hate fest. Then they fanned the flames with the 5 year old pics of both players. Ass clowns.

  2. Per CBS News

    There is some inconsistency in reports of Martin and Zimmerman's height and weight. In the original police report, Martin is described as being 6' tall and weighing 160 pounds. But his family told CBS News that he was 6' 2" and between 140-150 pounds. Zimmerman is described in the police report as standing 5' 9" tall, with no weight listed. In a 2005 police report, Zimmerman's ex-fiance describes him as 5' 7" and according to the Miami Herald he weighs about 200 pounds.

  3. The face of racism in America 2013 is no longer a white man wearing a hood-it's a black man in a hoody.
    Congrats to the black community for spitting on the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King.

  4. I went there ^ and it was about as clear as mud. We should just stick to the facts, don't you think?

    I did read the stuff about finding the jewelry and screw driver described as "burglary tools" and that the jewelry was listed as "found" due to a policy trying to downplay the crimes being committed by young black males in the Miami school district.

    It still would have been inadmissible in this trial as there was no evidence he was actually looking to breaking into anything. He just looked suspicious. I never did read anything credible about him sucker punching a bus driver. Where'd that one come from?

    This reminds me so much of the O.J trial, only opposite. That time the evidence was overwhelming to convict and the perception of the public was sharply divided down racial lines.


  5. More and more is being revealed on Tray Martin. Zimmerman was right when he called him a punk. he was no choir boy.

  6. Read some of Trayvon's tweets

  7. American citizens have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    That spineless wimp, unable to defend himself except with a gun, was, in his warped mind, out hunting down fugitives that night saying they always get away. His first paper in the course where he denied having learned about stand your ground (taught several times in the class according to his instructor) said he wanted to become an officer to hunt down fugitives.
    The they he referred happened to be blacks who had burglarized his community in the recent past, and he knew one had been recently arrested.
    So his egocentric perception resulted in the loss of life, liberty (walking in a hoodie while black), and the pursuit of happiness (iced tea for himself and skittles for his friend.)
    I am fully aware that the victim was not a choir boy, but the sickness of the killer and his several lies are evident, and were somehow ignored when 3 jurors bullied the other 3 to decide not guilty.

  8. Where did you read that 3 people on the jury bullied 3 others?

  9. Hello followers off this racist blog. He was a chold that was loved by his family. All other is just BS

  10. A chold? He was a punk. And a criminal in the making. Stand up, black America. Stand up for what is right. And take responsibility for the comportment of the children you are sending into this world. If they're jumping and beating people for kicks, sometimes they're going to get shot.
