Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This is the Commission that has no respect for the voters

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Not one...
Little flicker... of an eyelash,

as they voted your rights away.

Voting is a right we take for granted, one that defines our nation as a republic with democratic principles. We all know, how difficult it is to get our voices heard. We always hope that we know the candidate and what he stands for before we cast that vote--serving the people who he represents--not himself and certainly not special interests.

Petitioning is no easy thing. Getting the message out takes a lot of pounding the pavement and raising money from those who have little, only their voices that are desperate to be heard. The results of any vote must be respected. It is the law. It was NOT respected in this city... not last night.

These are our leaders and they all say that they know what's best for us. They are the only ones who matter when it comes to what our city should look like.  They say they are smarter. They don't give a hot damn about the Charter Amendment vote and what you think. They told you that last night when they approved of a Hotel Overlay District to build up to 65 feet where you said you didn't want more than 45 feet.

Remember what they did.


  1. It's all pretty amazing what they did. all for twenty feet they spit at me who voted to keep our downtown the lovely small city that it is. I don't care who is running against them next time, I will not vote for any of them. Even if they run unopposed, they will not get my vote. Talk about egregious. What a joke, commissioners. To think that I voted for these jerks. Can I say jerk on this blog?

  2. To answer that question, they are all public figures. I will not take personal attacks as to weight, age, looks, personal health and wealth and the like.

  3. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And these 4 of course exercise absolute power until a court tells them they cannot.

  4. What can we do about this? Is there a lawyer out there that can help the voters and resident with this? This is a horrible situation, but I refuse to believe our hands are tied.

  5. Really we can't comment on how old the picture of the mayor is? Not from this decade.

  6. why is this blog stuck on twenty feet when there is so much more important. Exorbitant commercial electric rates, blight, and decaying infrastructure are killing any chance of revitalization. before you throw at me rates are coming down, did you study the formula?

  7. It's not just this blog but all the people who voted on 45 feet.
    In reverse then,
    why are you so stuck on 20 more feet and don't want to honor the vote?

  8. @ 10:35--what I mean about personal attacks is someone calling someone a decrepit old lady as an example of age and what one of my "fans" called me. LOL

  9. be honest lynn, critical comments which are a good argument to your posts and comments are not posted. a local business guy and i tested that this morning. no personal attack or profanity was conveyed. i guess we will re-direct our efforts. but certainly, health and success of local business is not on your agenda.

  10. I guess when you allow, or personally post, calling the Commission, and or a resident of the city, arrogant,bully,liar,corrupt,racist,evil,disrespectful, deceitful, or personal attacks (IMO) Cancerous old lady, deformed citizen punished by god. The rules of this blog do not apply to you.

  11. When you give US no voice
    you give US no choice.
    We will remember the next election!

  12. You are not decrepit and do not look old but your ideas thankfully do not represent our community.

  13. D3ebating the issues have always been fine with me. I don't allow LIES, anony at 1:35. OK? got it?

    As far as not representing "our community" what in the hell does that mean? Politics does have a way of changing, anonymous, It's all just a matter of time where people will want morality and ethics once again.

    As said, I am not responsible for what someone writes. These are YOUR PEERS speaking, as the bully blogger would say. I delete many comments here that don't follow policy. You have no idea. Yours too?

  14. Because the Yes voters won this election means that Lynn Anderson doesn't support downtown business? You guys are full of yourselves, especially you anony at 1:35. We voted yes to no more tall buildings. That's it and all there is to it. Even the No voters wanted to keep the city low-rise. You managed to confuse everyone. Stop reading something into something that is a twisted belief in your twisted little mind. You have your own way for the moment so be happy. Let's have more kava bars down there and more panhandlers and more and more and more. Happy yet? Didn't think so. You people are never happy unless you are ruining this entire city with more poor misfits and approving of more bars and beer and wine licenses and thinking about nothing else but lining your pocket with more cash at the expense of our entire city and its history.

  15. anonymous at 2:56--
    I don't pretend to represent the community. I am not an elected official. Everyone seated at the dais DOES represent the community and as such, should enact policy that reflects their will.

    So, we all can have opinions in this world. Thankfully, your opinion and mine differ--how dull it all would be if we all agreed the same on everything. I am a conservative who writes opinion using my OWN NAME whereas you write an anonymous post.

  16. Thank god none of your votes count.

  17. I have to post anonymously or one of "yours" would be hounding my HR Director to get my job.

    Cara Jennings as commissioner claimed that she had 75% of the 380 people who participated in the Master Plan Process you claim you have 56% of the people in Lake Worth, What you actually have is 56% of the 2,300 people who voted.
    There are 38,000 people in Lake Worth And 14,000 + registered voters so just exactly do you speak for?

  18. Side stepping the election. That's all they did.

  19. LOL--You got your facts screwed up again! This is a b ad habit.

    It is a fact that those who voted, 56% of them voted for 45 feet. It was never stated by me or by the PAC, that 56% of the people in Lake Worth voted. First of all, we only get a small percentage of voters to show up and now that March elections are back in again, it will be smaller than ever.

    And since you want to throw numbers around, tell it to the Mayor who won by 52.66% of the vote with about 3,000 people voting. So what? She won.

  20. Boy, the poster above can't believe what he said. Anyone with 1/3rd of a brain knows when you are talking about the vote it involves only the number of people who showed up at the polls. You sure do attract dunces.

  21. You lost and are just sore losers

  22. OMG. I was told we won the vote. What the hell happened?

  23. You have to wonder how these people sleep at night. Are there any people out there who can run? Please step up right now.

  24. What's the point in voting? They are not listening to the people of Lake Worth! How dare they take away our rights. The people spoke and they have the unmittigated gall to think their opinions are better than ours. Someone must have their hand in the cooked jar.
