Monday, July 15, 2013

Racists - The Screamers

Racism prevails in America, kept alive by those who toss around the word and scream the loudest...people like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson. Terrorists, The New Black Panther Party, already called for the head of Zimmerman. They rallied with Al Sharpton at Mellon Park on March 22nd, 2012, and openly handed out flyers to the crowd. What did the Justice Department do?  You got it--nothing. As Nice Deb says, vigilantism and placing a bounty on someone’s head, is illegal in America. Or it used to be illegal"...On March 23 Obama said "You know, if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Now all the racists are using their political clout to go forward in a civil suit and still screaming and ignoring the jury and the judicial system. 

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