Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Sunday, July 14, 2013
American Tax Dollars - Monopoly Money
Back in 1894, the Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate started income tax. Today, instead of a 2% tax, the government raises so much money from the people to support every crazy thing imaginable as well as other nations all across the globe. It blames the one per-centers for not paying their fair share as the government wants all of it. They are now going to lower the standard for social security---old retirees have to sacrifice too so that the government can have more money to waste. Our most important asset, our people, get neglected as we give aid all over the world to help bring up the standards in other countries. We still have tons of poverty here in the United States and we are attracting more with an immigration policy that may just pass. States can't control their spending either and some are near bankruptcy--several cities are already there.
We waste cash like it's monopoly money. According to the American Dream, we are paying researchers to play video games and others to study the effects of cocaine on Japanese quail. It has spent millions of dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly. We have a $17 trillion dollar debt and we still, in the greatest country on Earth, have poor, the homeless and the downtrodden with high unemployment. Young college graduates can't find jobs while we allow corporations to offshore them thus helping other economies.
And that's not all-- We built a $34 million dollar building in Afghanistan that was built wrong (120 volt instead of 220) and now it can't be used and will be torn down. There is a building that was constructed to repair the military’s vehicles and other equipment that cost $45 million. And the State Department spent $80 million and signed a 10-year lease on a site for a consulate, according to a Washington Post report.
This taxation and borrowing snowball is now totally out of control. Is the government just going to continue to borrow and tax and print money? Perhaps the Conservatives will be able to turn the tide and the concerned people of this great country will demand "no more monopoly money" and that our government get its house in order.
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