Monday, July 22, 2013

Qualities of good leadership

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  1. This is perfect timing for this topic because based on the legal depositions available to the public we can see that Mulvehill, Jennings and the rest of the gang fit this to a T.
    They are not truthful, absolutely not transparent, certainly not accountable and not only completely ignored the public's right to know about the beach project but also lied about it.
    Best commission ever. Amen.

  2. the trouble with our city are twisted people like you anony @9:51.

  3. My prayer is our Reps walk a mile in our shoes. May they be blessed 1000x over with the very same blessings they bestow upon US (their pretend subjects). May ALL the words they did not read come back to bite them in the Butt FIRST! To those who know the Bible - It is better to do something w/a millstone than to lead one of my little ones astray! To the rest - Karma is a B*tch!

    Nice people - Bad Rulers!

    Get the log out of your own eye before you go after our splinters!

  4. 10:45 Obvious you did not read the depositions.

  5. do yu think it remotely possible that we could deal with what's going on right now. settlements to crooks must end. Crazy azszes talkign abotu depositions that were taken years after the fact and this commisison giving away over a million of tax payer money to a low life.

  6. Anonymous at 7:21...thanks...could not have said it better. Some people just take/have perverse pleasure in wanting the bad guy to win. Sadly, our city allowed this to happen. Off the table--onto something else, probably worse. No one will fight for what's right anymore. Everything is about $$$$.
