Monday, July 22, 2013

Emotional activists want Stand Your Ground Repealed

The Double standard on the Zimmerman-Martin case:
In another case along very similar lines-- Outrage peddlers are silent because this story doesn’t fit the narrative of racial strife. Al Sharpton can’t Tweet about his photo ops with Jay Z and Beyonce over instances of justice like this. So do Sharpton, NAACP, Piers Morgan, Stevie Wonder, etc, etc, all believe that Roderick Scott is a murderer? That he should have been denied his ability to defend himself? Are they really wanting to reintroduce Reconstruction-era suppression on the ability and right to self defense?

Read more... on the case that doesn't fit the race baiting narrative of Al Sharpton and the boys who just want to continue to hate.

Now we have a big movement in Florida by those outraged by the Zimmerman verdict. People who scream the most get the attention with the liberal press. It doesn't matter that Stand Your Ground had nothing whatsoever to do with the Zimmerman/Martin case. People have the right to defend themselves under the Constitution. That doesn't matter either, not to these people. Jury verdicts don't matter. They want Stand Your Ground repealed.  Governor Rick Scott is standing his ground and says he will not call a special session for all the screamers and race baiters.

Let the voters decide and put it on the ballot. But then, it might turn out just like the last election in Lake Worth. The voters decided but the outcome was denied.

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