Thursday, July 18, 2013

Playing the Race Card

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Ok, students--your assignment for the day is to write the name of the Rev. Martin Luther King on a piece of paper and stomp on it.

Rhonda Swan, another liberal editor of the Palm Beach Post is still condemning Gov. Rick Scott for interjecting his opinion on the Florida Atlantic University class assignment on stomping on the word J-E-S-U-S after he received complaints. She believes that Rick Scott tried to capitalize on the exercise for political posturing. In her eyes, it had nothing to do with the fact that it was highly offensive to the millions of residents in the State of Florida who, through tax dollars, help support and fund Florida Atlantic University.

So, if the shoe was on the other foot, and students stomped on the words Martin Luther King or even Trayvon Martin (another person who Ms.Swan believes was denied his rights because of race), there would be mass rioting across the country.

Sensitivities should work both ways and reporters should not keep tossing around the race card and playing politics at every opportunity. Yes, thanks to black leaders, race took hold in the George Zimmerman trial even though race was not evident by the facts or the testimony.

Scott had every right to have an opinion and inquire about the stomping on JESUS class assignment. FAU allowed a stupid inflammatory exercise to go unchecked. And left, liberal black leaders as well as some left, liberal reporters are keeping the race card flame alive.

Read her editorial here.

Read her opinion piece on false assumptions about race.

1 comment:

  1. I am sick of this whole case. It needs to stop. The insanity continues in America.
