Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jeff Clemens is in the news

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TALLAHASSEE — The Florida League of Cities is recognizing 16 state legislators, including Sen. Christopher L. Smith of Fort Lauderdale, Rep. Hazel Rogers of Lauderdale Lakes, Sen. Jeff Clemens of Lake Worth and Rep. Mark S. Pafford of West Palm Beach with Legislative Appreciation Awards, for their efforts to protect the home rule powers of Florida’s cities by supporting the League’s legislative agenda during the 2013 legislative session.

Read more... at the South Florida Times.


  1. Well this says it all:
    Intrusion on home rule from the state or federal government undermines the constitutional right of local citizens to govern themselves.

  2. Yes, and Mr. League of Cities himself, Scott Maxwell, gave some sort of phony political statement about HomeRule and then voted away the rights of the people who voted for heights in our downtown by agreeing to an LDR change allowing 65 feet.

    It's no wonder most people have no use for politicians.
