Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lake Worth City Commission

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It's all a bunch of bull

As everyone knows, this commission, in spite of the "bull," can change the Comprehensive Plan to reflect the vote despite the legal mumbo jumbo they now want you to believe...they can change it to 45 feet east of Dixie in the downtown by someone merely making a motion. Ask them if they give a hot fig what the electorate has told them. The percentage of win is significant, as significant as their personal wins. Tonight we will see them trample on all those who cast a vote for limiting heights and their desire to keep our downtown a low-rise city.

Your elected officials will do this all with ease wearing a political smile falling back on some legislation that they believe is relevant as they stomp on your head and vote yes to a 65 foot hotel district. Election results of 56% and the wants of the people who voted don't matter to this commission.


  1. This is scummy politics and should b e at the bottom of the barrel of rotten. How long have the people been fighting the developer element who now, once again, have control of our city. Far too long.

  2. WOW what a blog. I was reading and reading when I realized I was barely started I agree with you on the heights
    and when are they going to tear down that eye sore on Lakeside? I told you about another eye sore on Ocean breeze
    must be full of rats.....

  3. These acts by the city Commission are the acts of Dictators, not representatives elected TO CARRY OUT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. It's incredible to me to see this happening in America. Even if you voted NO on this issue,please just stop and think about what is happening. Thousands of tax dollars were spent, in a city always crying poor, to have a special election. This did not need to happen. The election was held. The people voted. There was a result. And these elected officials refused to acknowledge those results. Look at the bigger picture here. No matter which side of the issue you stand on, a group of elected officials thumbing their noses at the results of a legally held election should be chilling to anyone reading this. The refusal to act on an election held in MARCH because of something signed in JUNE is anarchy at it's finest. And you guys were worried about Cara Jennings?! Cara has NOTHING on Mayor Triolo and Commissioners Maxwell, Amoroso, and Zerdi.Welcome to the Banana Republic of Lake Worth ,comrades.

  4. Anarchy, you hit it on the head. Even catering to Rice and Sharpe is an affront to all decency.

  5. It's all about the money. That is "all about the money the realtors can make off the back of tax payors and govt.". They don't give a hoot about our City, it is all about $$$$. Greedy bunch will break the law or twist words to feed their bank accounts and it is sad our elected officials pave the road for them.

  6. Most likely, they will adopt a comprehensive plan that is 99% in line with what 56% of the people voted on and leaving 4 individual lots available to be built at the same heights as what is all around them.

    But you all have stated time and again, 99% is not enough.

    Pregnant pigs addressed in the State Constitution all over again.

  7. Now you advocate torture of animals, anonymous?

    This is not about what buildings are in that particular few blocks. What it is about is NOT building more of them that tall.

  8. If I were an over-developer looking for the next place to make a profit on the backs of resident taxpayers, I would be skeptical of committing to a lot in a City that is violating the results of an election which said I couldn't build to 65' in the area in question.
    The Commission mistakenly thinks they can follow the advice of their hired gun attorney, and that the people will accept their pompous shenanigans.

  9. Anonymous 7/16/13 @ 5:13 PM you are correct in your in asking why a developer would risk considering LW for a project with the constant winds of change in this city. The things that have kept and will continue to keep smart, contributing development away from our town is something that was re-enforced with the March 2013 vote. It’s our reputation for political and administrative inconsistency and confusing codes and policies that has long discouraged economic interest here. While most all of our surrounding communities benefited with new library’s, infrastructure up-grades and youth and senior programs and services and so much more, LW has been skipped over. The unusual step to put building heights in a cities charter almost 20 years ago, were placed in the charter as it reads today, where put in there to try to entice much needed economic interest in the town. Even with that we only have 8 or 9 buildings in our 100 year old town that is 50’ tall or taller. You’re correct Anonymous 7/16/13 @ 5:13 PM in your observation as to why a developer would risk considering LW for project. The same risk that was taken by those that bought property in the areas within the city that before the soon to be submitted Master Plan that will lower heights and lot coverage in around 95% of the area that was being voted on in March, have once again, experienced our reputation for political and administrative inconsistency.
