Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Anarchy on the Dais

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The commission wants to welcome developers and all those who make their living from development whether contractors, Realtors, plumbers, electricians and the like.  They say that they are business oriented and want to create jobs. They say absolutely nothing about the cost of services and infrastructure or that the taxes derived from said buildings do NOT go to the city but to the CRA.  They want to pretend that no vote ever took place four months ago and that the voters said "no" to their desires. They don't care. It is all about helping out "friends" and for developers to get wealthy.

These are the city blocks that the commission will change tonight to become a Hotel Overlay District and the parcels that can be built upon right now to 65 feet.  We will probably have to endure another presentation by staff to justify why they don't want to, or don't have to, honor the people's vote. 

Again, the voters said NO.


  1. You forgot to mention restaurant owners and workers, supply and service employees, maintenance staff, hotel staff, pool staff, not to mention all other businesses and their employees that will benefit from someone taking the initiative to bring a nice hotel to one of these lots. While you list 6, there are only really three; #1, #4 and #6 that could readily support a hotel.

    Remember, you were told numerous times that it is not feasible to build a hotel of 50 rooms or more within one of our small blocks and with the amenities nice hotels offer and on-site parking, without going above 4 stories.

    So, allowing this 1% of lots to be built to a height not even as high as what surrounds them, while creating all kinds of jobs and helping existing local businesses will definitely ruin our small town feel? It defies all logic.

    Thank God we have thinking people on the dias.

  2. What we have are arrogant, pompous people on the dais who are in love with their own voices and enjoy being bullies. What defies all logic are these very elected officials who defy the will of the people. What this is called is a dictatorship. Break "their" rules the legal way such as through the election process on this issue, they will find a way to fu*k all over you.

    The most corrupt commission ever.

  3. What is it mayor, that you don't understand about the vote? You are talking about minimum wage jobs coming to Lake Worth. Big whoopie. The only initiative that you took, mayor, was to screw the voters. Your vision is not what the people voted on. We will be here to constantly remind people of what you did. You never talked to people on the other side, not once. You instead promoted what YOU and your developer friends wanted. Pretty sick. You lost the vote. How dare you just plod on and do what YOU want?

  4. Oh that's good, minimum wage jobs. Just think, we will have all this affordable housing for them to enjoy. The CRa might even build them a house. Who the hell knows? Congestion and more people. That factor will be great for downtown business.

  5. Ya, it was terrible for DelRay Beach, wasn't it?

  6. Wait a minute here. You can't blame this just on the Mayor. Scott Maxwell, Andy Amorosa, and John Zerdi have everything to do with this political crap.

  7. They can put whatever they want to into this overlay district. Law suits will happen if anyone tries to ignore our charter and the will of the people. Can't wait to see a half built hotel torn down after a judge rules for the people. Good luck trying to get re-elected, morons.

  8. This Commission's lack of respect for the March vote shows that they do not understand that they stand in the shoes of the citizens when they "represent" them on the dais in their decisions.
    Their failure to uphold the results of the election shows them to be more effective anarchists than former Cmr. Jennings whose stance as an anarchist they all profess to abhor.

  9. >Remember, you were told numerous times that it is not feasible to build a hotel of 50 rooms or more within one of our small blocks and with the amenities nice hotels offer and on-site parking, without going above 4 stories.<
    Especially when you want to put 220 rooms on the lot next to the Gulfstream Hotel!!
    How many rooms did the staff propose for the hotel district 860?

  10. We elect unqualified people to run our city, past and present. 85% of what I hear in a commission sounds like re-election rhetoric. I guess for 15,000 a year you get what you pay for. The mayor appears highly unprepared and Szerdi is hard to understand. Gosh, do we have to keep hearing that he is an alternate on the Regional Planning Council. Reading parts of the depositions of Jennings, Mulvehill, and McVoy makes you wonder how in the world they got elected. I am not a developer, just a local businessman trying to make a living. I regret opening here. Extremists on both sides of every issue, no to any progress, leads me to believe that happy days in this city are years away.

  11. I haven't read the depositions but you have to remember that they were taken years, perhaps even 4 years, after legal advice was given, not only by our staff attorney but outside counsel that supported their vote to end the contract with Greater Bay. It is very difficult to remember certain events that occurred that many years in the past.

    This blog takes an entirely different position on this case than does the "other" blogger.

    One thing for sure, this entire group of commissioners would have supported a vote by the people.

  12. Sort of like how they supported what we all wanted for the illegal hiring hall?

    I'm enjoying reading the "other" blogger's depositions of our best commissioner ever.

    She didn't remember ANYTHING!

    She NEVER spoke to Golden or Jennings about the Greater Bay lawsuit. She doesn't know anything about the contract or agreement. How did she decide to vote to break the contract that has now cost us taxpayers over $2 million, added to the cost over runs and deficient revenue?

    Ya, the best commission ever!

  13. I would say that they NEVER spoke to one another out of the sunshine on city business. I realize that is hard to believe by haters in this community and people who want to continue to play the blame game on the Greater Bay law suit and all of you who love to spread false rumors.

    Greater Bay NEVER performed, not once.

    It cost the taxpayers $1.2 million to GB because THIS commission voted to give it to them and to get the law suit settled. It cost them a bundle in legal fees because our outside attorney kept pushing the suit further driving up the fees and then recommended a settlement and tried to justify that by blaming it on everything but the kitchen sink.

    Yup, the WCE.

  14. And just how was Greater Bay supposed to perform with a cloud on the title and no zoning that would allow them to proceed?

    They couldn't pull a permit for the zoning and they wouldn't start the other work until the cloud caused by your friends was settled. That was part of their agreement.

    And how would you know the the BCE never spoke about this outside sunshine? You seem to throw around accusations of everyone else violating sunshine.

    How about the illegal hiring hall?

  15. How do I know? I know them to be ethical when it comes to Sunshine laws and the job at hand being an elected official. On a personal level, Jennings got out of control a few times that was unbecoming an elected official.

    Next--the mentoring Center. It was there for 2 horrible years. Stanton ended it. Ask Jeff Clemens why we got it.

    Clouds--BS. That is their excuse for non-performance.

  16. You call it an excuse. A jury would call it reason and apparently it was in the agreement. The "excuse", caused by your friends, if the best commissioner ever had just let them take enough rope, they would have eventually hung themselves.

    Yes.... that might have taken a few more months by we would have saved us a couple million dollars. Well worth the wait if you ask anyone.

    So because Commissioner MBA can't read a contract and wanted to break yet another contract (remember Palm Beach County Water), we all must now pay whilst she galavants all over Europe.

    So while the BCE did their best to lure as many illegals to live here against the popular vote, because "they are smarter than us" which we are still dealing with the aftermath today, that should be discounted.

    You hail Stanton when she wanted to provide public showers in Bryant Park for the homeless. Do you think that would have been a deterrent or an invitation? But you assail our present majority for having the good sense to settle a loser of a lawsuit to save us easily $8 million judgement. So you'd have rolled the dice with my money. GREAT! So much for accountability for spending taxpayer's money.

    Listen, they are all bad and they all do some good. Just depends on who's oxen are being gored.

  17. I disagree with several of your comments that are just plain inaccurate. But it is getting tiring defending my point of few, something I have been doing now for nearly 5 years.

    Let's just say that we mutually agree to disagree on all these points that you have brought up.

    P.S. Blame the churches for encouraging the homeless and illegal immigration and helping to bring an untenable situation to our little city.

    P.P.S. Breaking the PBCounty water deal was the best thing we could do for our city. It cost us little, to save much more, to have our own water supply. it was a lousy contract just like Greater Bay.
