Friday, July 12, 2013

L Street Parking Lot

Comment Up

The L Street Parking lot has always been a problem--a problem in enforcing the metered payments. Some people have paid; others have not. All in all, it has been a complete failure to have it self-sustaining or bring in any revenue because the city ignored the abuse of those parking there and people don't want to pay.  This was a sneaky way to start the process of  having downtown parking meters by the former city get a good excuse and then run with it.

The City entered into a Contract on February 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011 for the sum of $10,000 which comes to $1,250 a month which seems like a reasonable rate. At least it came before the commission. It was signed by the Parties (Mayor Rene Varela signing for the City) on February 10, 2011. We  pay the owners, Lucerne Holdings LLC, rent. The new contracts that came up never went before the commission because well gee, it is under $25,000 a year and the city manager gets to make those decisions now. The threshold used to be $15,000 and I guess the mayor's signature rubber stamp is used for contracts too?

The entire idea was to charge parking fees to those using the parking lot thus helping to off-set the cost to the taxpayers of Lake Worth. But now It seems that the lone parking meter has been removed and moved to Old Bridge Park.  This lot is located directly behind  Commissioner Andy Amoroso's store. This is just one more decision that never went before the commission. These managerial decisions continue to happen; the commisison gets more and more irrelevant and the entire process is not transparent when it comes to taxpayer dollars. Because this lot has always been a failure (because no one wants to pay to park in our downtown), the city apparently has said "What the hell, if you can't fight them, join them"-- just another decision with the taxpayers holding the bag...or does the city have a meter on order?


  1. This sort of thing should come before the commission. I can see why Andy would want the meter taken out. What a conflict of interest always going on in our little city.

  2. this parking lot used to be used by taco ladys son who die and other for drug deals --we live in the lucerne and witness this--but the problem was that the lake worth police knew what was happening in front of them--they did nothing because they got to know theses people real well---this parking lot floods real bad and you cant even get to your car when it rains heavy--people nothing has changed the downtown is a dump and the people hanging downtown treat it as a dump---trash and trashy people--that should be the name of our town not lake worth beach--we dont have people with great education to run our city--they are all want to be something they cannot --proff the looks of our city----period

  3. I haven't heard anything about replacing that meter but then we are the last to know.

  4. The Owners took the parking lot back. They did not renegotiate the lease with the City. You are really slipping.

  5. Give us details, anonymous. When did they take it back? How come people still park there? When was the meter removed? etc., etc., etc.

    This is what I mean about keeping the people in the dark. It's a total guessing game with this commission.

  6. Nice blog. Some anonymous person accuses a dead man of drug dealing and PBSO of ignoring the drug transactions and you post it like it's a proven fact without question. I printed this page and I'm bringing it to Taco Lady tonight so they can decide how to proceed.
    And with all the grammatical errors in the post the odds the poster was able to afford to by a unit in the Lucerne is about as good as the odds they are college graduates. Zero.

  7. No one accused a deceased person of dealing drugs on this lot. The anony poster above said he witnessed drug deals going on there. He did not say the son of the taco lady was messing with drugs. One question to ponder, where is the sheriff when you need him? Why all the crime in this city?

  8. No one has to prove what they say. There is freedom of speech. Just follow policy and we all can be happy. The problem here is that this city has a lot of nasty azzes. We have people dealing all over this city especially the downtown. I just walked over a used hypordermic the other day. Disgusting.

  9. It's too bad that people have a bad perception of downtown Lake Worth and the PBSO in general. Maybe if we got tougher on criminals and got rid of all those dragging down our city, we all would be better off. Now we're going to have a bigger kava bar down there where some of these idiots hang out. It just keeps getting worse.

  10. Why would anyone pay to park anyhow?
    There are 3 FREE PARKING LOTS within a minutes stroll of Lake ave! And Free parking after 6PM on the street!

    Fail! A DOY!

  11. 11:22 it seems like you are trying to disguise yourself and come across illiterate. Are you? It is a known fact that drug dealing was going on in this lot, just like it is a known fact it goes on in Bryant Park. That is why you see a sheriff vehicle parked there every now and then.

  12. anonymous at 5:30--just an explanation here. I don't have to prove or disprove a comment. That is not my job and if I involved myself in that, it would be a full time one at that. Most blogs allow all comments so long as there is no profanity. Many blogs do not monitor comments because it is too exhausting. I don't allow personal attacks as to weight, age, and that sort of thing. At this rate on free speech, Obama should be suing 65% of the populous for what they say or write.

  13. I wonder how many other people have printed and saved these blogs you write? Possibly to use against you to prove Slander and misinformation in the future against you??

    just sayn!

  14. I am not responsible for what people write, anonymous. Read the policy. Check the court cases. Do what you will. Collect a bunch of paper and then go recycle it. Besides, not everyone hates like your little group.

  15. 7:09 You may not be responsible for what people write but you are certainly responsible for posting their comments. You pick and choose and by the way edit what people say. I agree that obscene comments have no place anywhere. You do edit comments critical of your political leanings. I an a retired c.p.a. who studied the beach plan. The 5 year projection indicates losses annually. Two things among many are ballroom is to small and a fine dining restaurant on the 2nd floor is impractical. I think you edited my comments because i said your comments were emotion driven. I didnot ridicule you. I only had a different view. In all my years in govt. I have nearly always seen extremists left at the curb and moderates make the decisions.

  16. Lynn,
    If you didn't allow anonmyous comment, there wouldn't be much going on here. Personally I'm over the poster who constantly posts under ficticious names and anonomyous about the two boarded up buildings on Lucern Ave. I live real close too, and these properties are not the problem. they are cleaned and mowed regularly. The problem is 110 north D st. the hookers use the back yard, and the trash back there proves it's party central. And as far as the down town parking goes. I pay plenty of taxes and feel I should not have to pay for parking. How about some handicappped parking spots on the street, with the exception of those with wheel chairs ( they need a safer place to unload)

  17. "there wouldn't be much going on here?"

    It's nice that we all can express our opinions.

  18. 9:16--there is freedom of speech. Please adhere to policy. If you come over here with a known false message or a personal attack against this author, it will NOT be published. The rest of your comments the other day were valid and deserved to be posted. I normally do not edit and have done so on 2 occasions of late...probably yours. I don't want swear words used in posts. Normally I would delete the entire comment but in your case your opinion was not based on any truth but a false assumption about emotions. This is an OPINION blog so there will be many times that what is written here will be directly opposed to your personal beliefs. There will be comments with which you disagree. I disagree with your assumption on the casino financials. As stated by Steven Carr the other night, the model is working fine for the revenue portion. It is the expenses that have been off. When you do projections, they are your best guesstimates. They all can be adjusted. The CM said it is all successful. It hasn't even been a year yet since it has been open and making money.

  19. Technically you are not liable for blog comments/forum posts on your site posted by others. You are responsible and liable for comments that you make, but it is very difficult to prosecute or pursue, primarily because of jurisdiction. The Internet is global and there is not one single governing force. Not only is the location of the blogger/poster a factor but the location of the web host and the laws that govern their locations are a factor.
    So, everyone needs to chill out and just follow the comment policy, if the blog has one and I see that this one does.

  20. I listened to the audio and it was never mentioned that we no longer leased this lot. Why doesn't the city tell the people all of the facts? Crappy management. Andy must have known about this if true as he knows everything in the downtown. Tell the people, Andy.
