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The song written by Lenny Kravitz came to mind this morning, "It' ain't over til it's over."
Very few trust the government and with good reason. There is way too much outside special interests involved in many of the decisions made by politicians especially here in our city where we feel and see it the most. Every single controversial issue or significant law suit involved developers. Elected officials are persuaded by those who are well heeled and who have persuasive arguments. "Your city will die unless we get 20 more feet," as an example.
To stay in elected office takes the backing from those with deep pockets and often times there is something to gain personally. Sometimes, at least in Lake Worth, we have to deal with those who are just simply obsessed and who have fallen for the lies that have been repeated through the years, i.e., "Jo-ann Golden likes ghettos, and Cara Jennings only wants chickens." It is always the same crowd that falls into the same trap from loquacious politicians who like to blame all the wrong people on all the ills of this city. We see the tremendous problems and have a need to blame someone(s). The game they play now is, "We haven't had any development in over two years," and then they attempt to convince us (with more lies) that it is an anti-development crowd that has held the city back.
In the It ain't over til its over theory regarding the heights referendum vote, that may be the case. Hopefully there is someone(s) who will pursue the rights of the people here in Lake Worth and the outrageous opinion that is being applied by our city staff and city commission and who are sitting around pretending that we never had a vote or that the YES people won by 56%. It ain't over til it's over unless those behind Respectful Planning PAC and its supporters acquiesce. The major difference here is that the grassroots never have the funds and the developer oriented special interests do.
The Florida Supreme Court said that Gov. Rick Scott and the Legislature went too far when he signed a certain bill into law last year and attempted to apply it retroactively. Although this case is different than our heights Charter amendment, the premise is the same regarding retroactive law. Our commission did everything possible to change the outcome of the election by delaying the vote and ultimately, after the YES vote won, ignoring the results and applied a law that the YES people believe does not apply by using a date that is arbitrary and a law signed by Rick Scott after the fact.
Read more... at the Palm Beach Post on the Court's opinion.
I hear a fat lady singing.
ReplyDeleteShe's singing-
"The naysayers are about to cost the city millions of dollars with yet another frivolous lawsuit"
I sure do hope that someone has the good sense and fortitude to challenge this. It is only ONE LEGAL OPINION on the side of this very biased commission. Nothing is written in stone until a court says so and then even that can be appealed on up.
ReplyDeletePlease give me an example of some "frivolous" law suits in Lake Worth. You continue to make this allegation so come up with some supporting evidence and I don't mean referencing ONE case.
Greater Bay
ReplyDeleteYes, Greater Bay was unhappy. They NEVER PERFORMED, not even once. They filed a suit and it WAS stated that it was not frivolous. However, IMO, they did not have a case against LW. They stood their ground--Lake Worth caved costing the taxpayers $1.2 million...terrible management and commission decision.
ReplyDeleteThe Terrible management, and commission was when those former commissioners could not keep their mouths shut and poisened any chance of Lake Worth winning.
ReplyDeleteI recall the Lawyer representing us taking it to two mock Juries, and we could have been facing $20,000,000.00 dollars
No. The terrible management and commission was when they ran scared and decided to incorporate a policy of settling law suits and taking them all off the table and decided, after spending a half million on legal fees, not to pursue this winnable case and allowing their attorney, Joslyn, to act ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteOh, and tell Joslyn I said so.
the commission has done the wrong thing in this instance. they should be called down for what they did.
ReplyDeleteLynn, why do you feel you know more than ANY lawyer that gives us an opinion on ANYTHING??
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry if I came across that way to you, anonymous. Obviously the fact that I have a different opinion annoys you. This blog is OPINION.
ReplyDeleteThat's why there are trials and differences of opinions. Not all lawyers are right and that is why there are many law suits.