Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wheel chair bound woman needs our help

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Kirsten, 64, has lived in a (hot, dark) South Fla. home without electricity, ever since late June 2012 when Tropical Storm Debby tore out her power line. She is in a wheelchair, on a fixed income, and can't afford the electrician needed to fix the damage to her home, damage that must be fixed before the electric company can turn her power back on.

(I'm withholding her last name, lest she become a victim of scammers, thieves or worse). She relies on the kindness of a neighbor for minor power needs. Her family helps her with expenses when they can, but this is beyond their means.

She needs our help. She lives without lights, without hot meals, without even a fan, in the South Florida heat.  Any money raised beyond what the electrician charges will go toward home repairs, and to her basic expenses.


  1. Isn't it against the law not to have electricity to a dwelling?

  2. I used to think so too until we got an owner out in my community who did not turn on his electricity for 6 months until he absolutely had to because of a new roof going up and a/c units on the roof,etc. In his case it had nothing to do with the lack of money--he is just one strange man. I believe it is water that is mandatory but not entirely sure.
