Thursday, June 20, 2013

Park of Commerce and The Villages Trivia

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The Villages of Lake Worth, the newly approved affordable rental housing project on Lake Worth and Boutwell Roads, will be in Phase I of the proposed Park of Commerce Improvements. The Villages is proposing a completion time of end 2014.

The cost for the various phases of the construction are as follows:

 Phase 1: $5,546,000---1 to 3 years
 Phase 2: $1,843,000---4 to 7 years
 Phase 3: $3,271,000---8 to 15 years

When the Infrastructure Needs Assessment and Preliminary Engineering Study was done by CDM on November 9, 2010, these are the Intersection Improvements for Phase 1:

•Street lighting
•Telecommunications duct bank
•Electric – relocate under ground
•Multi-use pathways
•Gateway identification (The Villages of Lake Worth has agreed to pay for this entry identification and it is included in the community benefit of their proposal amounting to $10,000...not sure if this is for only one entry sign near their affordable rental project or on 10th Avenue North as well)
•Beautification – street trees


  1. Would sombody please explain what is in this for Scott max. I jsut don't get it. more rentals?

  2. Looks like this could be another Dunbar Village, not sure our city is on top of this company or what is really going on, I don't think they can handle a big project like this, this is all we need, more blight, crime, and slum west of city hall. It is all about greed and corruption, where are all the competent leaders in this city?
