Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Demise, the Deception and the Tyranny - Lake Worth Shuffleboard Courts

Comment Up

View from the North West
Plans signed off on March 20, 2013

In spite of the public meetings on our shuffleboard property and the people letting the city know that we wanted to fix up the building and retain the courts, the outcome last night on our shuffleboard court property was no surprise--the entire commission voted to turn over our property on a 10 year lease, (they changed it from a 15 year lease with an option to renew for 5 years or less, we are not sure)  to the CRA to virtually use it for artists.

Once the property is rehabilitated and converted, both the CRA and the city will meet to discuss the shared use of the property with arts and cultural programming having the priority over all other uses. The backup showed the shuffleboard courts all removed. The grant writer said he made a mistake by including the drawings with the courts removed--it was just the building they were talking about. The Lease, however, says that the CRA will  rehab and convert the existing Shuffleboard Courts Community Center to a new community cultural facility. They can remove them by agreement with the city.

The Grant is $150,000. Either the city or the CRA must come up with matching funds. We were not told, nor did the commission ask, who would be paying but as the city is paying the CRA $37,500 for the CRA's design work, one can only imagine. And if it is the city, then they had the money to keep the property and do the work themselves.

Back in April 2012, there was public consensus to use the CDBG funds for the shuffleboard courts as it was the highest priority. The City, at that time, only mentioned the one proposal to retain one-half of the courts at the shuffleboard court building and demolish the remaining 14. Why did they not give all of the facts? Because they didn't want any to remain...too much trouble...too much money...Seniors don't matter.

At the first public meeting there were many residents there.  Some voted on what they wanted at our Shuffleboard Court building. The vote was 14 to 12 FOR retaining only 14 courts. Two people in my community had already left for their own meeting and did not stay for this tally. They would have voted to retain ALL 28 courts. At the second public meeting, 11 people out of 13 who bothered to vote wanted ALL of the courts to remain. Of course the commission likes to make you feel guilty and express their disapproval by saying that few people show up for these community outreaches. "It's always the same people who show up," they bemoan.

Realizing that this is just a small percentage of people who spoke out about saving our courts, our history, it is better than what the city gave us last night. The outcome of our property was all predetermined. There was a partial day notice to the public and thrown on the agenda at the last minute. Even the commission was unaware of what was going on behind closed doors--signing away legal rights to our property to the CRA.  The commission even gave the lame excuse that the courts were never at that location originally as an excuse to diss them.

No one ever asked me if I wanted this city to become an artist's destination. They did, however,  ask me about our shuffleboard courts.

 The commission is under the impression that shuffleboarding is passe and that old people don't even shuffleboard anymore, not realizing that this is a family sport, not just one for old people. "Gee, I never see anyone playing at the Lake Worth Towers," as an example from commissioner Amoroso, a former member of the CRA.

They didn't listen last night-- they all did what they wanted and took the easy way out, allowing the city manager to steer them all in his direction. Unaccountable to the people they serve--their last priority-- the commission didn't seem to care very much that all of this had been decided  behind their backs. The commissioners, who are the bosses, were not kept in the loop. The public certainly wasn't either; we did not matter.


  1. This Commission seems to have NO CLUE that they are supposed to be representing US and not STAFF and THEMSELVES! What a greedy, rude bunch we have in office. I'm tired of these lunk-headed fools! TIME FOR A NEW MAYOR AND COMMISSION!!!!!

  2. Of course you were NEVER ASKED if you want Arts! Not to worry Lynn they too will become irrelevant! All this art stuff is what EVERYONE on EARTH is promoting! Part of the Agenda 21 plan is to have US all walking - young and old, rich and poor and the art is to make this New 21st Century Plantation visually pleasant (Actually written in County Agenda Back Up years ago!) - like Disney really!

    We watch Vero to see how their electric purchase is going. Wait
    till they see and hear THE MAYOR of VERO's comments on Agenda 21 and why they opted out of 7/50!

    "..Send in the Clowns"

  3. I honestly believe they think they are doing good but
    perhaps they are really Killing US w/Kindness! They
    should Ask and never Tell US!

    Way TOO much Power
    in this (or ANY) UNElected
    UNAccountable "Special
    Interest" group (CA calls
    "ReDevelopment; The UnKnown Government" or CRA) to call
    last minute meetings w/OUT
    We The People's INPUT is DANGEROUSLY HARMFUL to our Guaranteed Representative
    Form of Gov!
    (Article 4 Section 4 "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government)

    We The People are 17 TRILLION
    Dollars in DEBT. (The Private Federal Reserve PRINTS MONEY
    That is Future Generation Financial Incest! Funny,
    Money is Green too but
    Preserving Financial Stability and SUSTAINABILITY is IMPOSSIBLE when our Reps SPEND w/out OUR INPUT or PERMISSION!

    LW OATH REQUIRES that our Rep's,
    as "Recipient of Public Funds" SWEAR to "Support the US/FL Constitution" and City "Charter".

    Federal Governments Proper Role
    of Limited (Enumerated or Numbered and DEFINED) Duties INCLUDE:

    To coin money, regulate the
    value thereof and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

    To provide for the punishment
    of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

    Do Your Job
    Obey YOUR Oath
    We can no longer afford
    the credit card lifestyle
    and BEGGING for OPM -
    Other People's Money

    Live w/in Your Means
    like the Rest of US do!

    Ask - Don't Tell

  4. It is easy to see that the city is broke. Look at the curbs and sidewalks, not to mention unpaved roads. Heck we cannot even hire part-time people for litter detail on weekends. We could not even make a partial payment on the beach note. The mayor will consider herself a hero if the pool is open 15 hours a week. It is not difficult to see the shuffleboard court demise we cannot afford to run it, and no commissioner rallied around it. We want amenities but we will not budge our political positions and compromise on anything Do I want 5 or 6 story hotels or vac. rentals, not really. But I am willing if we can make some money off them, and maybe, get back an amenity or 2.

  5. The truth of the matter is the no voters are not the least bit happy with this mayor and commission. But they are more afraid of a return to the Golden, Jennings, and Mulvehill days to vote for anyone on the yes vote side. Very sad for our future.

  6. I agree with your voice to some degree, we need to compromise some, a little bit of all is fine so we can address our poor infrastructure. We have no sidewalks between downtown Lake and Lucerne in parts of C, D, and E Streets we need to walk in the road dangerous for both walkers and drivers. We have too many dirt roads in our city, like North 8th and 9th Ave from A to H Street and South 4th and 5th(a lot of issues west of Dixie), too many all over it looks bad for our city, so many missing sidewalks and not enough drains with standing water when it rains a lot. If we can build our tax base to then get more infrastructure improvements this is needed, more home-ownership, more code enforcement, more emphasis on blight elimination, a real emphasis on improving the tax base, raising our values to get the money to fix infrastructure, we need to improve and increase some of the amenities, we did it with the beach, now let's do it for the neighborhoods and safety of the citizens.

    "It is easy to see that the city is broke. Look at the curbs and sidewalks, not to mention unpaved roads. Heck we cannot even hire part-time people for litter detail on weekends. We could not even make a partial payment on the beach note. The mayor will consider herself a hero if the pool is open 15 hours a week. It is not difficult to see the shuffleboard court demise we cannot afford to run it, and no commissioner rallied around it. We want amenities but we will not budge our political positions and compromise on anything Do I want 5 or 6 story hotels or vac. rentals, not really. But I am willing if we can make some money off them, and maybe, get back an amenity or 2."

  7. Give some examples as to why you are so unhappy. They didn't go with FPL? Maybe it's the foreclosure you are going through and still have to work for a living. They let you get Away with the banner on the Gulfstream, so what's your problem? they let you run off at the mouth at commission meetings. Nasty little people and bullies at that.

  8. @11:47...thanks for your comments. Compromise is fine if it is for the betterment of LW...give a little to get a lot. The heights issue was very controversial because it was about more than just the NO people raising the heights in our downtown and lying about it. It was about protecting our downtown from more Lucernes. The No people lied through their teeth to get their way on the pretense of a hotel. I think we proved that 4 story hotels can be built. We just wanted to keep our downtown a low-rise city, 35 and 45 feet. We kept the message simple and did not have to lie. The majority of the voters saw through the deception of the N's.

  9. Wow, we have a mess in lake Worth.

  10. 11:55 just who is it your evil self is talking to? no foreclosure, am successfuly retired, do not attend comm. meetings but do listen, did not know about a banner but then did not care, not for or against fpl. am concerned that people like you get a vote, thankfully just one.

  11. Well, most people don't even know that we have commission meetings. If you listen on line, you are one step ahead of most of the people in this city. Try to attend if you can. You just can't get the correct perspective until you are there live and sitting directly across from the commissioners.

  12. Lynn, I am perplexed. Just how did you prove 4 story hotels could be built. You may have saved the downtown from another Lucerne but most will still live in blight. So, besides pissing off 50 or 100 no voters was anything accomplished to better this cities financial future.

  13. Why should that be my problem to solve? Am I an elected official? I stand up for issues that I believe in.

    How would a 6 story hotel solve the blight that a 4 story can't?

    How did giving over our shuffleboard court property to the CRA for the arts better our city. Will that do anything for our financial situation?

  14. Lynn, you're about the only intelligent and reasonable person who cares and pays attention. You should run for the CRA

  15. I don't believe in the CRA but thanks for the compliment, I think. On this blog you never know if it is sarcasm or a genuine comment. :)

  16. you said you proved a 4 story hotel could be built. how? you are wrong. i did the research. miss decker also has misled people with comparisons to delray.

  17. Ms. Decker did NOT mislead anyone.

  18. I'm happy it wasn't only me who thought how strange the "proof" comment was.

    I would think that to prove your statement that a 4 story hotel could be built here.... one would have to show that all the people experienced in land planning and hotels that told us it couldn't were wrong when they said it couldn't be done due to our small blocks. And then build one.

    Of course, you will say that all the people who work in that industry are liars, your "go to" word for people who disagree with you.

    It is commendable the commission is taking action and allowing the CRA, a well run part of a struggling city with a track record of accomplishments that have won awards and national recognition, to work their magic on this underutilized property.

    For many years after the shuffleboard courts were built, they were a hub of activity. Lighted at night with tournaments and a place inside for seniors to play cards, attend classes on art (yes art) and was your run-of-the-mill municipal looking building. As our population changed, so did the use of the shuffleboard courts to the point that no one was playing with regularity.

    Lynn, your complex has courts that are hardly used. The Towers have courts that are hardly used, many other condos and even small apartment complexes have courts that are never used.

    I could see all the angst if this was a soccer field, because that is actually on the rise.

    The CRA has made a big investment pushing development and redevelopment into the Western neighborhoods, virtually expanding our downtown to help revitalize that area. People living west of the RR tracks should be ecstatic the city is finally paying attention to their needs and making improvements that will increase their quality of life and property values.

    You want to see the blight move out? Start by making the area worth private investment. That is what this, along with the Arts Lofts will help do.

    While it's easy to find fault in the details of each, Publix, 6th and 10th Aves rebuilt, $23.2 million for housing (155 brand new energy efficient residential housing unit in the most blighted area of town), parking, bike lanes and network, commercial and residential "curb appeal" grants, westward expansion of our downtown are all thanks to the efforts and collaboration of the City and the CRA.

    No matter what the CRA accomplishes, you remain critical of it, because you "don't believe in the CRA".

    Look for more good things happening west of the RR tracks. I'm sure you will pick them apart. You are reliable that way.

  19. ou are up early to start your missives...not a good sign for a good day.

    You read my blog. Your opinion is fine but it would be nice if you refrained from the personal attacks. I have called the Friends of the Gulfstream LIARS, true. They were and they are. I have a feeling that you would disagree with me that the sun sets in the evening...your MO?

    The CRA has to continually justify its existence and its relevance for LW. so far, it has been less than impressive. The city of LW has to back all of their loans. They made some terrible deals and had some ridiculous give-aways. Slum and blight they have neglected and it is worse than ever.

    Now LW has sold its soul for $150,000.

    As far as "picking things apart" I call them as I see them. The CRA is a political body and you are right, not happy with them...not happy that our city looks like $%^& and it never changes in spite of the CRA on the job.

  20. Well as fate would have it, the CRA is sponsoring another Neighborhood Clean Up this very Saturday. Many, many people come out to do what they can. It makes a big difference in the area that is attacked but sadly, seems to revert back way too soon.

    Call it cultural if you like. But I like to think that with new home owner occupied residents infiltrated throughout the area, they might take interest in helping to make and keep it clean.

    You are always welcome and invited to come and see the excitement and community that clean-ups like this promote.

    You don't need to help, but just seeing how all kinds of people come out for these clean-ups is somewhat inspirational.

    I am a "Friend of the Gulfstream" and not a liar. There were lies told on both sides. You haven't proven diddly.(Not an attack, fact)

    The CRA doesn't need to prove anything. They have improved what they could, when they could. They are not and will not be perfect. There are certain things they or the city have no control over. At least they are trying to work around what they can't control.

    But I do hope you have a nice, pleasant day.

  21. LOL.
    Try and get your new, CRA homeowners to participate.
    Perhaps the Respectful Planning PAC has not proved diddly to you. But the main objective of this past election was to keep the downtown low. People understood that message even with the Friends of the Gulfstream confusing it and lying about it. I would bet anything you were behind that...too clever for the average bear. That's a compliment I guess. You want to keep beating the results of this election to death--go at it and name all the lies of the YES people.
    I always have nice days but usually the person wishing me one means just the opposite. So you too have a nice day.

  22. Thank you. See there, you and I are alike in that regard.

    I already told you I do not lie. So I could not have been behind the attempt at using your group's tactics against you. It actually backfired on the "NO" people.

    I didn't bring this up. Only responding to prior posts that did. It was you who said you proved that a 4 story hotel could be built in our downtown. And I quote...."The heights issue was very controversial because it was about more than just the NO people raising the heights in our downtown and lying about it. It was about protecting our downtown from more Lucernes. The No people lied through their teeth to get their way on the pretense of a hotel. I think we proved that 4 story hotels can be built."

    My opinion has always been that we are NOT a low rise city and haven't been since the Gulfstream was built. You call me a liar for that. I even got you to admit as much way back when you were at a weak moment. We are a medium rise city. If we never another two story building, we will still be a medium rise city. Lake Worth Towers is not low rise. The Gulfstream is not a low rise building.

    Any way, when was the last time you played shuffleboard?

  23. We have ALWAYS been a low-rise city with a few buildings that are tall. That is my official and only response to that.

    As far as my playing shuffleboard, I played this past season. BUT, this is not about me playing shuffleboard or involving myself in any other recreational sport--it never has been ab out me for the pool either--it IS not about me but 14.3% of our population of Seniors who, whether they play or not, would like to see the courts retained as well as the history-- and the building that was used by the Seniors for Bridge and crafts.
    This IS all about the deception that was instigated by the city to lease over our building with no public input other than what we already told to them in 2 public meetings--save the courts.

  24. I've ALWAYS been childless, except for a few kids. I'm still a virgin, except for the ... oh well you get the drift. But that's my official story and I'm sticking to it also.

    Wouldn't you agree that if shuffleboard isn't dead, the little quiver you see is just a death rattle?

    So whether they play or not, we should keep them for historic value?

  25. A death rattle? Well, it is something enjoyed by, not only families, but the Seniors and they are a lot closer to DEATH than you might be. Let's just do them all in and we won't have to worry about what in hell they might enjoy other than choosing their casket.
