Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Gray Wolves

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The gray or timber wolf's story is one of the most compelling tales of American wildlife. Once, the wolf was widespread across most of North America, but it was hunted ruthlessly and extirpated over most of its range. Today, the wolf is making a successful comeback in some of its former habitat due to strong conservation efforts. The gray wolf plays a vital role in the health and proper functioning of ecosystems.

Adopt a Gray Wolf and read more at the National Wildlife Federation.

The Sierra Club writes--

On Friday, the Obama administration let us down, (so what's new here?) proposing to strip nearly all gray wolves of their Endangered Species Act protections. Delisting wolves now would turn back the clock on years of hard-won recovery work, and it could finish off this legendary species in the Lower 48 for good. We need your help.

Help fund critical organizing efforts to drown out the voices of the special interests and their politics that target wolves.

1 comment:

  1. When will we start taking care of our wildlife both on lad and in the sea? I hope we do not wait until it is too late. We need people and elected ones who care about all things great and small. Bees are another, I love honey way too much. We need to take care of all our creatures and our land better. Thanks Lynn for caring and for all you do.
