Friday, June 28, 2013

Snowden's "background" check

Do we ever get what we pay for today?  Do we ever get what we expect from elected officials?  What about from those we hire?  We have found out firsthand, right here in Lake Worth, that we have had staff problems of a magnitude that would blow the ordinary guy's mind. Now we find out that Ed Snowden's  background check was inadequate.  It is difficult to imagine that this could happen with a prospective employee who was to be placed in a highly sensitive position allowing him access to government secrets. This country is "losing it" on a daily basis.

Federal investigators have told lawmakers they have evidence that USIS, the contractor that screened Edward Snowden for his top-secret clearance, repeatedly misled the government about the thoroughness of its background checks, according to people familiar with the matter.

Read more... at the Washington Post.


  1. America has a Chicago slum brought,grown up product without Government exprience, elected for his color, and with many fraudulent Illegal aliens false id'ed Aliens.
    Only with a majority of 51,000 votes, from among 300,000,000 Americans.The opposition is too lax to have the fraudulent election Boards investigated.A recount was in order,for the security of the Nation.The present one is a proven many times over, LIAR-inChief,benghazi/Boston/IRS/NSA/Assoc.Press Gate B.HUSDSEIN Obama. now in Africa on vacation with 220 security guards, extra military escorting planes and an aircraft carrier(denied benghazi Post staff, to allow 4 covert operatives to be burnt alive) showing all starving Africans, he can spend $100,000,000 for his trip of white America!Let us embrace the truth ,for once!

  2. Young Edward Snowden was demoralized when he rfound out how much corruption, immoral deception of hardworking Americans were victim of from the present Government.
    Stealing in all manner is uncontrolled.He wants to inform fellow Americans of the outrageous criminal activity is continuing ,by employees we pay, and trust.$50,000,000 spent for 220 meetings in the most expensive lurious hotels etc.
    Young Edward Snowden is a heron for daring to blow the whistle on the criminal ations of the Government, and will disclose all the lies of Benghazi/Boston/IRS/NSA/Assoc.Press gate Barak Hussein Obama, who for that reason would like to have this kid destroyed.,to bury his treasonous actions!
