Friday, June 28, 2013

Dylan Harrison

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Dylan Harrison
Infamous co-owner of Kavasutra,
 a downtown Lake Worth business

A Reminder
The Dylan Harrison case--

U.S. v. Harrison, et. al.
In a separate criminal complaint filed on July 24, 2012 three West Palm Beach residents were also charged with the unlawful distribution of controlled substance analogues (synthetic cannabinoids). The defendants are expected to make their initial appearances in federal court in West Palm Beach on July 26, 2012.

Charged in the complaint are defendants Dylan Harrison, 31, John Shealy, 39, and Michael Bryant, 29, all of West Palm Beach. According to the affidavit filed in support of the complaint, the defendants were involved in the manufacture of synthetic cannabinoids under the brand name “Mr. Nice Guy.” The product was distributed throughout the United States. The defendants allegedly operated from several different warehouses in West Palm Beach, including one which exploded on May 21, 2012. No one was injured in the blast.

During this investigation, a total of 12 federal and state search warrants were executed, resulting in the seizure of approximately 600,000 packets of synthetic cannabinoid, 20 kilograms of raw synthetic cannabinoid, approximately 4,000 kilograms of untreated plant material, $185,000 in cash, 12 firearms (including a 50 caliber rifle), and approximately 6,000 rounds of ammo. In addition, law enforcement also seized 9 vehicles, valued at approximately $280,000, 23 luxury watches, 6 cement mixers and 32 Mylar packaging sealers.

If convicted, the defendants face a maximum possible statutory penalty of up to 30 years in prison.

Reporter, Jon Burstein of the Sun Sentinel, has informed me that the trial of this case has been pushed back again. The new date is August 14, 2013, 3:30pm, Judge Kenneth Marra presiding.


  1. does andy Amarosa still chit chat with Dylan?

  2. dylan harrison is now suing a friend that he gave 525,000 for equipment (wade taylor)---a ex associate of dylans, paul toritelli gave all information about dylan(location of warehouses,what dylan mixes in his synthetic marijuna(cealis)erection medicine--overseas accounts ect.. and that is why dylan is going to prison--he stated that the hydro house located on 4th ave in lake worth was dylan business but in wade taylors name--for a front like his kava bars--the fbi asked if dylan harrisons father is involved--how can he not be or know whats going on--dylan bought a 850,000 house with cash,very expensive watches-cars and much more that was taken away(money in over sesa accounts)money transfers--his father knew money wasnt coming from the kava bar because you cant have all that because they dont make any money on that bad tasting crap--his father was a firefighter and is running the kava bar on clematis with another firefighter--dylan steroid and heroin use--but his steroid rage is what got him and most important the warehouse he was mixing dangerous chemicals blew up and 4 other busineses--wade taylor must be investigated because who gives 525,000 for equipment and what was that eqipment used for---that is the question that will liked the two to criminal activity--the fbi has undercover agents watching everymove his family makes and will continue when dylan harrisons in prison,where he belongs

  3. andy is fishy--follow the money--when he continues to communicate with a convicted criminal in our downtown--a downtown andy says he trying to improve---andy where is the improvement---you have failed--and your friend dylan has done the downtown more harm by allowing the people in drug rehab to drink kava and get f----- up feeling these drug addicts want--remember everyone, dylan admitted he is a herion addict and a steroid addict-and now americans biggest manufacture on synthectic marijuna mixed with dangerous chemicals-the fbi found a steroid lab in his partners home---what for --to sell steroids which capt silva was made aware of in 2010 about selling steroids--and silva said his investigation found nothing on dylan--really silva--know we all know the whole truth now silva what do you have to say now,nothing like you did in 2010-early 2011--the mayor pam has every email since 2010 -- it not

  4. Commissioner
    Amoroso should come clean here. He should give back the campaign contributions of $1,500 from Dylan and associates. He should next apologize and tell the residents that he never realized that Dylan Harrison was a criminal and he was giving him the benefit of the doubt until the case was proven in court. He should stop the "friendly" visits of Dylan dropping by his store. That is the only thing that will absolve him if it isn't already too late.

  5. andy knew for a long time dylan was being invstigated way before the election of andy(early 2011) ---thats the problem--when andy stated capt silva did everything possible to news channel 5-- andy then tells us what capt silva did---you cant because your lying--if your not lying then what did capt silva investigation consist of---in 2010 early 2011? answer andy we all want to know

  6. Don't blame Andy for some other guy's actions. So if I buy a glass of kava, am I also part of his crime??

    Andy is the best and most dedicated Commissioner we've ever had since I've been here in lw (over 10 years).

  7. andy --your lying i have the email i sent you --you are the only one that i sent it too---this is not over by a long shot--we put him in prison now its time to focus on you --you b@#$%^d--you knew he was being investigated well before the s--- hit the fan--did you run for office so you can pay your bills to get the collection agency off your back

  8. Kava is a narcotic sedative drink made in Polynesia from the crushed roots of a plant of the pepper family. So, I would be careful drinking it unless you actually know where it came from. It's outlawed in Canada and France...maybe more countries. The point is, and you can be the best most likeable politician the world has ever seen, if you are running for office or you are an elected official, you want to steer clear of convicted criminals as friends, acquaintances or just another guy who contributed to your campaign. I would think that, anyway.

  9. we are not blaming andy for dylans actions just his own----
