Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sheriff's budget on the Agenda

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County commissioners will hold their first meeting June 11 to consider the budget proposal for the year that begins Oct. 1. They are expected to discuss Bradshaw’s request for $38.8 million more than this year.

Bradshaw’s $510.1 million spending plan represents an 8.2 percent increase over this year’s budget of $471.3 million. That budget also included an additional $6.8 million carried over from the previous year, bringing Bradshaw’s total allocation to $478.1 million.

Bradshaw opposes changing House Bill 601, and not one of the county’s 18 state legislators has been willing to introduce proposed amendments to the law, Marcus said. “None of our legislators wanted to take on the police union,” she said

Mayor of Palm Beach, Gail Coniglio, who chairs the budget task force, said the town would not support any increase in the county’s property tax rate for next fiscal year. Ideally, she said, the tax rate should be lowered. 

Our budget meetings begin this month. Let's see what our elected officials do. Right now public safety is projected at 70% of our operating budget with the sheriff taking the bigger portion of that percentage.

Read more... at the Shiny Sheet.


  1. if they cut anything its captain silva he needs to go--he is corrupt and a lies---

  2. Please include backup to your allegations.

    I am surprised that Lynn is not asking this question! She says no personal attacks without proof!

  3. Here goes an "I think".... Silva is fine. He has answered any question I have ever asked of him and been very available. He believes in community policing which allows the good guys to get to know the deputies in our neighborhoods. That said.... there is NO reason that we should have to pay through the nose for the service we are provided compared to other, like situated, cities.

    I'm not referring to South Bay, but Wellington should not have to pay less per household than Lake Worth.

    Since Lake Worth is perfect for training, we should pay less.

  4. Do you think that it might have something to do with the horrendous amount of crime in Lake Worth. If you compare the cities with the biggest minorities and the biggest amount of poverty, the more crime you will have. Fact. Of course, it could have everything to do with negotiating a terrible and one-sided contract. The PBSO knew LW was putty in its hands thanks to politics that were prevalent then and still are today. Perception is everything even if it is opposite of the reality.

    Let's start attracting the more affluent and stop building more affordable housing and rentals.

  5. The police need to be more in the bad areas of the city more, last week Lynn did a search on and it showed only one crime at the beach and hundreds in many other areas of our city, yet we see so many police patrolling and hanging at the beach, they need to be in the ghettos and hood doing more crime prevention and having a stronger presence there not at the beach relaxing, this is their big downfall, they take the easy way out, by not being present enough in the crime infested neighborhoods and areas that need the policing. They need to stop all the excuses and address crime better in this city, they get paid too much by us for us to have so much crime. What the PBSO is doing (or not doing) is a CRIME.

  6. Let's start attracting the more affluent and stop building more affordable housing and rentals.

    Just how do you do that Lynn?

    We have lousy schools, due much to the illegal alien influx.

    The more affluent will only live, move, invest where the schools are "A" rated.

    That is because the more affluent are generally more educated.

    They know that Lake Worth is known for one of the highest costs of electricity in South Florida.

    The affluent are more likely to be business owners who research the same thing.

    Many fine people rent. Many fine families Rent.

    I'll take a family owning an affordable home over a slum absentee landlord (think between Lake Ave and 6th Ave South and between A and F)any day of the week.

    How about our inability to address the code enforcement problem? Could that have anything to do with attracting the more "affluent" ??

    Green Acres has tons of rentals. Palm Beach Gardens has tons of rentals. Wellington has tons or rentals. Difference, they are aggressive with landlords that don't keep up.

    Back when Jennings and Golden gutted Code Enforcement, we went to crap in a hand basket. I know you disagree. But it is harder to catch up than it is to keep up.

    Face it, we dropped the ball and now we are so far behind other cities because Jennings thought the way she lives is how everyone should be able to live.

    Welcome to "Casa Vagina". How quaint.
